Give the child a warm home

The northern winter is lonely and desolate, and the dry branches are like uncombed hair; the bare top of the mountain is more like an old man with a bald head; the frozen river is like a silver slacker lying on the ground, motionless. In this barren hilly land, in this silent season, there is hardly a living place.

In the morning, magpies twitter incessantly, the red sun rises slowly, and the warm sun in winter is the most precious. The old people at home are out of the house, feeling the freshness of the cold wind and bathing in the winter sunshine; people never let go of the gift of nature and always eagerly accept it. Always looking for a chance to get close to nature.

As the evening approached, the sky darkened slowly, and the cold wind bellowed like a lion in the east of the river; snowflakes beat on the windows, leaving spots, and tonight was another windy and snowy night.

Just after nine o'clock, there were already few pedestrians on the street, every household was closed, my husband was still sorting out prescriptions and writing outpatient registration, and I was ready to go to bed early after I had disposed of the medical waste. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock at the door. On such a cold day and so late, it must be another emergency. I hurriedly opened the door. It was Wang Liping, a first-grade teacher in the school. (we are a boarding school). Teacher Wang came in panting with a child on his back. I took the child from Miss Wang. It was her student Yang Jiaming, who kept coughing, had a high fever, and was still shivering. The husband came to finish the examination, it is the upper respiratory tract infection, must have the infusion. Ask Mr. Wang to inform his family. Mr. Wang hesitated for a moment, but still called.

According to the usual injection of an antipyretic injection, I prepared the medicine and asked the child to take off his trousers. I was surprised when I was ready for the injection. Oh, my God, on such a cold day, the child only wore a pair of thread trousers and a pair of school uniform trousers. Son, why didn't your mother put on cotton-padded trousers for you? adults can't bear to wear such thin clothes, let alone you, no wonder you catch a cold. The child did not answer and burst into tears. Teacher Wang said: the child's parents are divorced and live with their grandparents. Poor child, I feel a little pity for this child.

When it was time for infusion, the child's shriveled hands were cracked by cold. I carefully put on the needle, infused the fluid, and looked at the child carefully; the thin body, the tender little face was supposed to be naive and lively, but a little more melancholy, the thin clothes were dirty, and there were two big holes in the socks on my feet. I covered him with a quilt and did a physical fever for a while, and the child fell asleep, but murmured: mother, mother.

Teacher Wang has been sitting by the bed, holding the child's small hand, an honorable teacher; a little girl in her twenties, she treats her students like her brother and sister, often buying some school supplies for students from poor families, and gifts for children during holidays; she is rated as an excellent head teacher by the school.

After a group of liquid transfusion, the child's cough was relieved and the fever went down. The child's grandfather rented a van and came over with two clothes in his arms. I thought to myself, it was only when the child was so frozen that he brought the clothes over. Isn't that a mend for a lost sheep? He ran to the bed to watch the child fall asleep, and even hurriedly thanked Mr. Wang and asked the driver to send Mr. Wang back to school.

The old man went to bed again, looked at the child, and began to talk to us, saying that the grandson burst into tears; the grandson had been with him since he was two years old, and he had raised him with his own hands; the mother of the child was a mainlander. He met the child's father when he was working in the hotel. He had just reached the age of 20 when he came to their house, because he was not yet old enough to get a marriage license; twenty was also a child, and the family spoiled her. She turned out to be a gluttonous, lazy and hedonistic person. When her child was two years old, she saw that many people had bought a building, and she was also clamoring for a building. where did they get the money to buy a building? She didn't want to stay at home and went out for half a year on the grounds of working, but she didn't see her make any money when she came back; she stayed for two months and left again, never to be heard of and never to come back. The father went out to work, and the child's grandmother was sick all the year round, and he always worried about the child. I bought cotton-padded clothes and trousers a few days ago, but I wanted to go back and let the child wear them on Friday, but the weather changed and the child froze. At this point, the old man choked up and couldn't go on. The man didn't cry easily, but he didn't get to the sad place. This tough guy may have held on for too long and shed tears of sadness.

Our conversation woke the child, and the child began to cry when he heard his grandfather's voice. Seeing this scene, I could not help but burst into tears.

When the liquid was finished, Grandpa put on cotton-padded clothes and trousers for the child, and the driver was also a kind-hearted man who helped him and his grandson into the van. Seeing an old man and a young man trembling in the wind and snow, I was filled with emotion. I not only remembered something a patient said a few days ago. A stray dog gave birth to two paparazzi in her yard. Because there was no bedding in the cold, the paparazzi froze to death. The family threw away the dead paparazzi, and the bitch brought the dead paparazzi back. The greatness and persistence of maternal love is reflected incisively and vividly in this puppy.

And in our civilized human beings, why do some people use their greed as an excuse for a broken relationship, making their children the victims of their dislike of the new and the old? young parents, when your desires expand, have you ever thought of children? Children need to be taken care of by their parents and have a stable and warm home.

Author: Qingxin Zhilan