Flower-picking wasp

I sat in the yard, admiring a newly blooming Zhu Mu Hua. It was early in the morning, and Zhu Mu Hua smiled in the morning light with the dew of last night.

At this time, a bee came through the sun, and almost without hesitation, it stopped on the hibiscus flower, sucking nectar so attentively, attentively and unforgettably. Smiling, dewy Zhu Mohua; attentive, selfless bees look as if they were kissing.

But with what kind of love do the hibiscus flowers and the flower-picking bees meet on the balcony of the city? The infinity and vastness of time and space makes me feel that it is a miracle for a bee to find a hibiscus flower. The line that connects their karma is not accidental!

What is so delicious about flowers that make bees travel through the city to find and absorb them? When the bees flew away, I picked the Zhu Mu flower to suck it, and found that there was really sweet juice in the flower.

Wow! It turns out that between the universe, Zhu Mohua, bees or butterflies are also sentient beings in pursuit of happiness and beauty!

People follow their lust and fly in the time and space of life and death, which is no different from a bee flying in search of a flower.

The essence of lust is the foundation of life and death, but there are also beautiful revelations in the pursuit of lust.

The bee is so attentive and affectionate when it picks flowers, but it doesn't cling to a flower.

This is why people call those flirtatious and inattentive prodigal sons "flower-picking bees".

I think of a sentence in the Buddhist Sutra: "if a bee picks up flowers, but take its taste without damaging its color and fragrance," I feel that people are sometimes inferior to a bee in terms of emotional attitude.