Be a person with an attitude

My goal is to be an attitude person, know what they want to do, what to do, what can not do, know how to accept and timely refuse, live according to their own ideas, do not care about the evaluation of others.

I am a person who doesn't know how to plan. More accurately, I don't know what my goal is. Because I don't know where I'm going, I certainly don't know how to plan my life. I usually take it one step at a time. I don't dare to think about what the future will be like. I just hope I can live a good life now. However, this kind of day without tomorrow gradually scares me. Life seems to be trapped in a dark quagmire. If I don't think of a way to break free, I will be submerged.

I don't know how to refuse, and even if I embarrass myself sometimes, I won't refuse firmly. I can't help being persuaded again and again, and I can't see how pitiful others look. Although I sometimes know that the other person has another purpose or pretending, I will still compromise. Then others seized my weakness and used the same trick again and again, but I didn't have the strength to resist, wronged myself and fulfilled others, forming a vicious circle. I am afraid that life will repeat this cycle, until the end, I am still paying for others, but I have not really done anything for myself.

I do not know how to ignore other people's comments, no matter what others say is right or wrong, I will care very much. Therefore, to do everything carefully, there are too many worries, for fear of doing something wrong to attract criticism or dissatisfaction. Desperately repressed himself, living in the eyes of others, although he got some appreciation, but lost himself. I am afraid that one day I will become a stranger to myself and will not be who I really am.

I envy those who have an attitude. They live freely and have a direction. They can make unremitting efforts for their goals, but they will not easily compromise what they do not want to do and cannot do. I want to be an attitude person, go my own way, do not care about others, and do not let others tell me what to do.