Father's unicycle.

When the farm is busy, my father will still push the dilapidated wheelbarrow and bring farm tools to work in the fields.

My father's unicycle accompanied my father through the wind and rain for decades, which also left me many good memories in my childhood. When I was a child, my father's unicycle was the best. It was an important means of transportation for me to walk out of the village and into the outside world when I was a child. When I was a child, I walked out of the village in a wave of unicycles in my father's hands. I would often sit in the car and enter a sweet dream in the squeak of the wheels. when I woke up, I opened my hazy eyes, looked at the flowers blooming by the side of the road, the butterflies flying, and listened to the sound of the wheels. and my father's powerful footsteps, and soon I went to sleep again.

My father was a salesman in the village when he was young, and every few days he would push his wheelbarrow to a town dozens of miles away to buy the goods needed by the villagers. So I had the opportunity to follow my father to town, which was a happy day for me when I was a child. My father often remembered to buy me a book or pen, and occasionally bought a comic book. sometimes in order to see what my father bought earlier, I stood at the entrance of the village with my younger brother waiting for my father. I would often see my father pushing the cart step by step in the afterglow of the setting sun, and sometimes we would run to help our father push, but at that time we didn't have the strength to help our father, but our father saw us helping the cart. Will tell us with a smile that the car is much lighter.

Many years ago, I saw that the car was dilapidated and my father often repaired it. I told my father that if it couldn't be used, I would exchange it for a new one. Father said, repair can be used, used to use, easy to use. With the passage of time, now, the unicycle has lost its luster in the baptism of wind and rain, and my father's back is also a little bent. When my father pushes up the car, hunches his back and walks forward, I will stand behind my father and quietly help my father get out of the car. Keep going.

Author: quiet Gesang Hua