Baby grows up quietly

Today, when I played outside and pushed the door open, I saw toys all over the floor. Wow! Now his resistance to throwing things all over the floor and wearing diapers is getting more and more out of my control. He can stand up on the sofa and move two steps, pretending to give me something and then withdrawing his hand from me. The ball is passing more and more. Today, when I went out to play, I saw the rocking car reach out my hand and sit in it. When I left, I cried and couldn't bear to leave. The baby grew up quietly.

Not only expect the little friend to grow up, but also afraid that the more he grows up, the more independent he will be, will I be lost? is my mother too fond of wishful thinking? this has nothing to do with it.

But watching a family show yesterday, the conclusion of a case is sighing and resonating: the love between parents and children is a kind of divorce, and if he is more intimate with his original family than his small family after marriage, then he will not be happy all his life! This is why many children in single-parent families are unhappy in marriage, because on the one hand, the misfortune of the family has already cast a shadow on his heart, or because unfortunate relatives cherish them more, after marriage, this relative is like a third party in their marriage. will a third party be happy in a marriage?

Mother wants you to be happy all your life, and when you are to be married in the future, you will no longer occupy your love, as long as you look at your happiness from a distance!

This article comes from dream weaving.

Now, let your mother love you very much!

Author: Hello on the left