As the old saying goes,

When modern old people often talk about their children, they usually put a sentence on their lips, that is, children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

This sentence means that the children have their own blessings, and the old people do not have to worry too much or work too much for them.

It is recorded in the saying "Zengguang Xianwen" that it originated from the "three butterfly dreams" written by Guan Hanqing in the Yuan Dynasty.

When it comes to this sentence, many people only know the first sentence, but do not know that there is a second sentence, which is the essence of this sentence, but few people know it.


When it comes to this sentence, you have to tell an allusion.

According to legend, during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar surnamed Luo. He was frustrated by his poor family, so he finally had to stay away from his family and become a teacher in other places.

Luo Xiucai has a wife and children, and his wife is a lady of a large family. when he is away, his wife can only do housework, and his wife is not good at housework. Later, his son and wife managed the housework together.

After a few years abroad, Luo Xiucai went home on holiday for the Spring Festival. When he saw his 7-year-old son, he was very satisfied, so he wanted to test his pair and then send him to school.

Luo Xiucai pointed to the sky and gave him a day to tell him that his son usually only knew housework, so he couldn't tell at all.

The mother was in a hurry and pointed to the ground. As a result, she accidentally pointed to the chicken shit on the ground. The son understood it and gave a day to the chicken shit.

Luo Xiucai was furious and snapped at his father. Fearing that her husband would be angry, her mother pointed to herself and wanted her son to treat her mother.

As a result, when the son saw the milk, he listened to the milk. Luo Xiucai finally gave up on his stupid son. he hated that he had not been admitted to the imperial examination and was discouraged by his son, so he finally became a monk.


Luo Xiucai suddenly left, which dealt a heavy blow to the family. Later, his wife slowly got over it and used her busy spare time to teach her son carefully.

Later, he saved money to hire a famous teacher for his son. Under such instruction, the son made rapid progress. Later, he became the number one student in high school.

In order to thank his mother, the son lived for his mother when he won the top prize.

Luo Xiucai, a monk, was very happy and hurried home for a visit. the janitor did not know him, so he reported that a monk had come to make love.

Luo's mother began to give him money, but he didn't want it. Later, she asked to see the number one scholar of the new division. After seeing it, she wrote a poem on the wall:

I will not accept a thousand dollars to fight for rice when I leave my hometown for eighteen years.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, do not be horses and cattle for their children and grandchildren.

In fact, the next sentence of this sentence is to warn parents all over the world that their children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and so is their intelligence. They can only take advantage of the situation, but not force or indulge it, otherwise it will be counterproductive in the end.

However, some people explain that their children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and their elders do not have to worry too much about them. if they are blessed, they will have nothing and can start from scratch.

If there is no blessing, even if your family has a lot of money, it will not be wasteful in the end, but will harm your children and grandchildren.

Compared with the previous sentence, in fact, this next sentence is a classic.

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