All the encounters are losses due to hit.


Zhang Jiajia once said:

Everyone is a semicircle, and in this vast world, there will eventually be another semicircle that fits perfectly with you, just enough to make a perfect circle.

We have been looking for another semicircle all our lives, and some of us have found it quickly; others have not found it all our lives; and some of us have given up without finding it.

In fact, every encounter in our life is meaningful, and the reason is that we owe each other something.

Once read a sentence, like it very much.

No matter who you meet in this life, it is the right person in your life. It is no accident that he will teach you something.

On the journey of life, in fact, no matter where you go, no matter what kind of people you meet, what kind of story you experience, it is inevitable.

Everyone is doomed to have something to gain and lose, some are you like to see, some are difficult for you to accept.

But in short, everything is happening, there are some roads you are destined to go, and some people you should meet in your life.

The scenery you pass by is the distance you will reach.

Often when people get angry and quarrel, they will say to each other, "I must have owed you a debt in my last life."

In fact, think about it carefully, it is not without reason, because this kind of thing is really wonderful.

Sometimes the people you want to see can never be seen, and sometimes the people you don't want to see can be reunited with each other as soon as they turn a corner.

It is inevitable that you meet him, and the time and place become accidental.

In fact, there is no clear accident in the world, causal cycle, mutual attraction is bound to coincide, everything will become inevitable.


In the movie when Harry meets Sally, at the beginning of the film, Harry and Sally go to New York by car together.

During the journey, they chattered on and on about various issues, but almost every conversation ended in disagreement.

They all think that they may not even be friends for the rest of their lives.

Five years later, Harry and Sally met again at the airport.

To avoid embarrassment, Sally pretended not to know Harry, but coincidentally, the two of them sat next to each other on the plane.

So they talked about their respective lives now. Sally had a boyfriend and was immersed in the joy of love. And Harry is about to get married.

When they were about to part, they discussed the previous topic again, but they still broke up in discord.

Harry and Sally met again five years later. Harry divorced his wife, Sally broke up peacefully with her boyfriend, and the two met again in a small bookstore.

Encountered the same emotional setbacks, so that the two people found a common topic.

Like friends, they eat, chat, go shopping, celebrate Christmas, dance at the New year's ball, and encourage each other to start a new relationship.

Harry and Sally gradually become an inseparable part of each other's lives, even if they date others, they still meet and chat like friends.

Until Sally was lovelorn again and Harry went to comfort Sally, a spark of love finally broke out between the two people who had known each other for many years, and finally came together.

Harry and Sally are destined to be together.

Later, when they were together, they always felt that they must have owed each other something in their previous life.

Although they have been trying to get rid of each other and struggle with each other for ten years.

But when they meet, they are doomed to owe.

True love always comes inadvertently, and it may be by your side when you think it is difficult to find.

All the encounters in the world are a kind of repayment.


My grandparents have been bickering all their lives, and they have been in love all their lives.

We worked together when we were young, and after retirement we went shopping, ate and walked together.

Grandpa told me: when I first met your grandmother, I had a very familiar feeling, and I thought, ah, we knew him in our last life.

As a result, in this lifetime, the two people quarreled all their lives, but they couldn't break up.

Grandpa said: now old, more and more feel, why so many people just marry her, are doomed, are fate ah.

There are tens of thousands of people in the world, there is no reason to meet for no reason, love and hate, joys and sorrows, all have reasons.

Anyone who appears in your life has the mission and hindrance that he meets you. The purpose of a reunion is to bring something to your life.

So every encounter is commendable, worth remembering, and worthy of gratitude.

If there is no debt, how can we meet.