In life, only exercise and reading can not be disappointed.

When you reach a stage, life begins to subtract you. When the soul rises, looking at yourself tired of running around and becoming a bystander of your own life, you can find your own rhythm.

Read and think

Two people, because the outside decides whether or not to be together, and because of the inside, they decide how long they will be together.

Although we have repeatedly stressed that we should not pay too much attention to a person's appearance to the neglect of his inner qualities, we should also know that few people will find your good inside through a sloppy appearance that you don't even care about. Therefore, we not only need to improve our inner self-cultivation, but also must be responsible for our appearance.

No matter what you look like, exercise for a long time, reduce fat and shape, energetic, you can meet a new self.

No matter what his educational background is, he has read more, has a full heart, rich spirit, and is full of poetry and books.

What happens if you keep running?

one. More and more diligent

Running is a process from laziness to diligence, which will make you get rid of more and more bad habits and cure procrastination. Everyone who keeps running for more than a year will not be a lazy person.

two. The ability to resist pressure is getting stronger and stronger.

Modern life is becoming more and more stressful, and runners who set aside 1-2 hours a day will relieve most of the stress of the day and will naturally feel better. The strength of the body and the change of character will also turn all the pressure into clouds.

three. Will get up early.

Runners don't sleep late. Because life is more regular, the consumption of running will make sleep more secure and efficient, so you will get into the habit of getting up early.

four. Charm will increase.

Due to physical changes, the secretion of various hormones will greatly increase the value of beauty, because the confidence gained by running will also be different from that of ordinary people.

What happens if you stick to your studies?

Sanmao said: when you read too much, your appearance naturally changes. many times, you may think that many of the books you have read have become fleeting and can no longer be remembered, but in fact they are still boundless in your underlying temperament, in your speech, and in your mind. of course, it may also be revealed in life and words.

one. Stimulate the spirit

Studies have shown that staying high can slow down Alzheimer's disease and insanity. Because keeping your brain active and busy can prevent it from losing its ability.

two. Relieve the pressure

No matter how much stress you are under at work, in personal communication, or in other endless things in life, the stress will disappear when you immerse yourself in a good story.

three. Improve memory

When you read a book, you must distinguish their tasks, their background, ambition, history and nuances, and remember the complex complex that runs through the story. The brain is a wonderful organ, and it can remember these things easily.

four. Enhance the analytical ability

After reading, we always use our own thoughts to comment. At this moment, we need analytical ability to define whether it is a good book, whether the character development is appropriate, and whether the storyline is smooth. If you have a chance to discuss the book with others, you will be able to make your point very clear.

five. Improve writing skills

It will improve as your vocabulary increases: surveys show that published good books have a significant impact on one's writing ability. The author's cadence, fluency and their writing style will affect the reader's writing.

Running and reading are indispensable.

Runners and non-runners, one day does not matter much, a week relationship becomes big, two months relationship is very big, half a year is a big difference. It is said that 10 years later, there will be an unreachable gap between one kind of life and another.

Reading is an important way to settle down the mind. Reading can not only improve people's temperament and self-cultivation, but also nourish people's spirit.