Whose youth is not lost

Youth is always a passionate march. Take off the cloak of comfort for every note in the song. When the music is composed with excitement, it melts into tune fearlessly. It seems that this is youth.

We always laugh at the ignorance of youth, but we are always silently recalling the scenes that have flowed away with time. At that time, you were often criticized, but you still went your own way. Fearlessness and mistakes seemed to be synonymous with you at that time. Youth turns us from a good boy into a riffraff, always taking ourselves as the center. But a rebuke from parents left us at a loss as to what to do.

Lack of rebellious youth can only capture a note, caress "youth", but it is always just the jump of a note. Let people think of the distance of lonely smoke in the desert, the road is smooth, but it is desolate all the way, and the eyes have to be lonely and bleak. How rough the road is, how rough it is, maybe it will make you miss more because of the difference.

Youth on the road, do not miss the scenery all the way, perhaps this scene is just a desolation, but it is the unique color of your youth!