The rising sun

The rising sun

The rising sun is majestic and passionate. The rising sun brings dawn to the people in the dark and illuminates the way forward.

Facing the rising sun, a group of majestic children came to school talking and laughing. With the dream of youth, they embarked on the road of pursuing their dreams. May they cut through the thorns, break through all the difficulties, and finally reach the terminal of their dreams. In the pursuit of dreams, there will be a lot of wind and rain dark clouds, there will be many sunny days and white clouds. I hope they can block the wind and rain and enjoy the sunny days. I hope they can stand up when they fall and not be proud when they succeed. Dream, as long as you work hard, you will get closer and closer to it.

The rising sun, mercilessly sucking up the morning dew on the grass, brought a trace of sultry heat to the cool earth, but this could not stop the children's desire to pursue knowledge with a warm heart. Every morning, listening to their immature voices reading ancient poems or English, the Xinyou Primary School, which just woke up in the morning, added vigor and vitality to the Xinyou Primary School under the blue sky and white clouds. Many children's dreams are to be a scientist, a teacher, a singer and so on, and they are similar to the dreams of our friends around us when we were young. But few of my former classmates will stick to their dreams now, and they may forget their firm determination when they said their dreams. Reality has to make some people give up their dreams, but it is a good thing to set up a dream from an early age. Because the goal is very important, although they did not continue to adhere to it, they had a goal to strive for and motivation to work hard during that period. The early bird catches the worm. They work hard for their dreams. Time will surely give them what they deserve in return. They are slowly accumulating knowledge, just like the seedlings are absorbing nutrients, and one day they will grow into a towering tree.

The sun rises and awakens the dream that is still sleeping. Everyone has a dream, and everyone's dream is worthy of respect. On the road to building dreams, they are passionate, energetic and full of motivation. I think through their hard work, they will change from a young eagle who can't fly into an eagle that spreads its wings. In the scorching sun of July, children with dreams continue to move forward on the road of building dreams. they are struggling, and their dreams may be far away, but their efforts will be worth it and will gain a lot of things. it's happy to do what you want to do.