A lonely night


This is not so much an article as it will become a memory in the near future.


The city at night, under the gorgeous neon lights, is empty, waking up in the middle of the night, opening the curtains and enjoying the lonely streets alone. After a long time, lying in bed, but unable to sleep, I simply sat down at my desk and spent this quiet night. During this time, I thought a lot and wrote a lot.

I don't know why, in recent years, the central feeling is always inexplicably irritable and unwilling to interact with people, but I like to record the scenery around me with my mobile phone.

Always like to walk alone in the street in the middle of the night, occasionally there are a few engine roars coming from my ears, and gradually drifting away. The mind was disturbed by the noise, and a few curses came from the heart, but found that it was of no avail, so it was better to look up at the deep starry sky. In the moonlight, everything is so quiet, but in the open street, only the shadow accompanies me.

In fact, everyone needs people's company, and those so-called strong, is nothing more than to hide the fragility and fear in the heart, or to comfort the heart that has been hurt. Therefore, at this time, the inner pain appears to be very cheap.

Want to see a movie, but unaccompanied; want to go out for a walk, unaccompanied; want to play a game, or unaccompanied. So I lost all my interest, and I could only look out of the window silently. I am in a daze because I am unaccompanied. Sometimes I watch movies, but I just like to be sandwiched among the people in the cinema, as if I have joined the collective activities.

Always want to be able to drink coffee on the left bank of the Seine, usually quiet beauty. It is especially pleasant to take a nap once in a while. But the important thing is to have a companion who can have a heart-to-heart talk and say something leisurely.

It is as difficult to wait for those who are with you as for the guru. It is as easy for me to meet you as to meet a deer with flowers.

Now I am very happy, but there are few people around me who can talk to each other. Occasionally, when I went home, I would have a little conversation with my master, and then I found that the world was so lonely.

I like to be in a daze on my cell phone, because I always hope that someone can make a phone call or send a message to talk to me. And those who are waiting for concern have closed their hearts after all. I can't think. And nowhere to find it.

Perhaps, it is precisely because I missed a lot of people who once cared about me in this life, which makes me so. Maybe I will be a pity later, but what I have missed cannot be regretted.

Precious and important things cannot be easily expressed. If you take it out easily, be misunderstood and desecrate it, you might as well take out only part of it so that you can protect it. Take everything out, it is your own shallowness, do not know what the good thing is. Once you know it, you will be conservative and respect it.