The secret of fate

The so-called fate is to meet the right person.

The so-called blessing is to be able to share the joys and sorrows of life with predestined people.

People with shallow fate are lucky enough to know each other but pass by; people with deep fate never give up after meeting each other too late. Some fate can be encountered but can not be sought, belonging to the equal fate.

Some fate can be met and sought, belonging to medium fate; some fate can be met without demand, subordinate equal fate.

No matter how predestined it is, it is inseparable from the word cherish.

The highest state of good deeds, like the character of water, benefits all things without striving for fame and wealth.

Water, avoiding high and falling is a kind of humility, running to the sea is a kind of pursuit, combining strength and softness is a kind of ability, accepting all rivers is a kind of magnanimity, dripping water wears away a stone is a kind of perseverance, washing dirt is a kind of dedication.

Life is like a river rushing to the sea.

Charity is not rewarded, and ambition is as modest as water. Learn the goodness of water and be as good as water.

In this world, everything can not be plain sailing, everything goes well, there will always be troubles and sorrows.

When unpleasant things often haunt us, how should we face it? If you feel comfortable with your fate, your troubles will go away.

In fact, following fate is a kind of enterprising, the behavior of the wise, and the excuse of the fool.

What does it mean?

Follow is not to follow, is to let nature take its course, not resentful, not rash, not excessive, not forced; not casually, is not to grasp the opportunity, not pessimistic, not rigid, not panic.

Fate cherishes fate, and fate goes with it.

Sometimes, life is a kind of compromise, a kind of tolerance, a kind of accommodation.

Not all things are suitable for tit-for-tat, sonorous and forceful, colorful life, both sunny and torrential rain.

Being tough has the advantage of being tough, and tolerance has the advantage of being patient. At any time, we need to size up the situation and act appropriately.

Compromise is not always weakness, tolerance is not necessarily incompetence, peace is precious, sometimes, tolerance is also a kind of wisdom.

The joys and sorrows of life depend on your heart.

Appreciate the things around you with a good heart, treat everyone with a sincere heart, do your job with a responsible heart, and review your mistakes with a modest heart.

Stick to the correct idea with a constant heart, tolerate those who are sorry to you with a broad heart, be grateful for what you have, accept what has happened with an ordinary heart, and face the hardest part with a relaxed heart.

When communicating with an old man, don't forget his self-esteem; when communicating with a man, don't forget his face; when communicating with a woman, don't forget her emotions.

Don't forget his dignity when communicating with superiors; don't forget his directness when communicating with young people; and don't forget his naivety when communicating with children.

An attitude that goes all over the world is bound to hit a brick wall everywhere.

Take measures in accordance with local conditions, vary from person to person, feel grateful and have access to all over the world, this is the secret of fate!