The motto of the most influential celebrity in the world is worthy of our understanding and learning.

one. Eat what others cannot eat, and endure grievances that others cannot bear. If you do what others don't want to do, you can enjoy what others can't enjoy. "Jimmy Ron."

two. How to give full play to the charm of language is the necessity of modern people from communication to success. Success comes from 85% of relationships and 15% of expertise. "Dale Carnegie"

four. The biggest difference between success and failure comes from different habits. Good habits are the key to success, while bad habits are the door to failure. "Aug Mandino."

five. There is no force in the world that can prevent us from achieving success. If there is, it is ourselves. (Olison Madden)

six. The mind of those who cling to themselves will be disturbed. He who thinks only of himself will bring sorrow to himself. (Buddha)

seven. If you want to give it to others, you must have something for you. For whatever measure you use to give it to others, it will also be measured to you. Founder of Jesus Christianity

eight. Believing that what you can see and touch is not faith at all, but believing in the invisible is a kind of victory and blessing. "Abraham Lincoln."

nine. Expressing gratitude for the abundance you have received is the best guarantee to keep it going. The founder of "Mohamed" Islam

Imagination leads to ideas, while knowledge realizes ideas. Reading is to wisdom what gymnastics is to the body. When I encounter difficulties, I will never lose heart. The three conditions for success are diligence, hard work and attempt. Thomas Alva Edison

The value of a person should be judged by what he has contributed, not by what he has achieved. Einstein

The past is not equal to the future. The more energetic Anthony Robin is, the more aggressive his body will be. The more energetic the body is, the better the spirit is, and the more you make use of your wisdom to create more outstanding achievements. Anthony Robin; the meaning of life is to give constantly. Anthony Robin

13 the challenges we face today are unprecedented, and all the situations are completely unfamiliar. But the values on which we succeed have never changed-honesty, diligence, bravery, justice, tolerance, studiousness, loyalty and patriotism. "Obama"

14. The world won't care about your self-esteem, people will only look at your achievements. Don't put too much emphasis on self-esteem until you have achieved something. Because the more you emphasize your self-esteem, the more disadvantageous it is to you. "Bill Gates"

If you want to change things, change yourself first; to make things better, you must first make yourself better. "Chen Anzhi" Chinese succeed in learning authority; attention equals facts, focusing on what I want, not what I fear. Chen Anzhi

We should firmly believe that as long as we make serious efforts to move forward, there will certainly be good results, and we should be in a good mood, full of confidence, and stride forward. Kazuo Inamori

It takes courage to persevere, and those who persevere to the end are often full of courage in life. They are always surrounded by endless accusations, doubts and ridicule, and the relative voices of these positions are the disharmonious notes that hinder the progress of human society. Those who are used to persistence will surely defeat them with the final result. (Napoleon Hill)

The only way for others to remember you is if you create the result and win. Yang Taoming

In the walk of the three, there must be a teacher, choose the good and follow it, choose the bad and change it. (Confucius); no desire for speed, no small profit. If you want to be quick, you will not reach it; if you see small profits, great things will not be achieved. (Confucius)

He who knows others knows, and he who knows himself knows well. He who wins is strong, and he who wins himself is strong. (Laozi)

The talent that heaven and earth make me must have its use. Li Bai

In times of adversity, you should ask yourself if you have enough conditions. When I am in adversity, I think I am enough! Because of my diligence, frugality and perseverance, I am willing to seek knowledge and build a reputation. Li Ka-shing: those who advise us in private and point out our mistakes are true friends.

The wise man takes his counsel, the fool his strength, the brave his power, and the timid his caution, ignorance, foolishness, courage and timidity, and use them at the same time. Therefore, there is no abandoned material for a good craftsman, and no abandoned scholar for a wise master. Don't forget the good with one evil, don't hide his merit with a small flaw.

24 it is better to learn a little than not to learn well, and to do something is better than to do nothing. Your efforts may not succeed, but you will never succeed if you don't work hard. "Li Ke Hu Zhe"

Modesty makes one progress, while pride makes one lag behind.

Therefore, when heaven is about to take great responsibility, people must first suffer their minds, work their bones and muscles, starve their skin, lack their bodies, and act in disorder, so they have been moved and patient, and have benefited what they cannot. Mencius

The glory of life consists not in never failing, but in being able to fight again and again. Napoleon

It is not enough to know, it must be used; hope alone is not enough, it must be done. (Bruce Lee)

The reason why smart people can not succeed is that they lack perseverance. -Newton (UK)

The doubt in our hearts is a traitor, and the fear of taking the pace of trying often deprives us of a good chance of winning. Shakespeare

Only people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world can really change the world

I can accept failure, but I can't accept giving up. (Jordan motto)

No matter what you are selling, the most effective way is to convince the customer that you like him and care about him.

Those who do great things in ancient times have not only extraordinary talents, but also perseverance. Su Shi

It is duty to be humble to superiors, kind to peers, noble to subordinates, and safe to all. Aristotle

37 the sheep led by the lion are far more effective than the lion led by the sheep "Alexander the Great"

38 step by step, more than every day, its own expiration, do not have to calculate the distance and only sigh.

39 the smartest people in the world are the most honest, because only honest people can stand the test of facts and history.

40 the gentleman's journey, quiet to self-cultivation, frugality to cultivate virtue, no indifference, no clear ambition, no peace, no distance. Zhuge Liang

41 as long as a person strives to do what he can do, welcome to add QQ 755303116 to read and pay attention to more beautiful articles, his ability can reach an amazing level. If you are under pressure, you should ignore difficulties and use this pressure to make you do better. "Michael Jackson."