In spring, remember to spoil yourself

I haven't written for a long time.

In March, I suddenly wanted to write, and I couldn't help but want to write.

Ten years ago, my mother could not resist the cold in winter, so she was hospitalized. I am the only one inside and outside, busy so that my mind is also lazy. Over the years, when the wind has a fresh and warm, when the sun also has a lover's breath, the heart will suddenly be light up. I know. It's time to write something. Perhaps this has been a habit for many years, write some, record some, so that Fang Jue is at ease, like giving himself an explanation, an explanation to the text, and an explanation to time.

This winter, everything is fine except that my mother has a minor illness. Everything passed quickly, and Nian, Xue, and my closest uncle also returned to Beijing. Always, I will tell this brother what I have in mind, and only this brother knows me best. Before leaving, my brother said to me, "Xue and I will go to Beijing." in my brother's words, I feel the love and the warmth of this sentence. However, I never thought of leaving home, leaving my parents who gave birth to me and raising me. What a family affection that snow blood is thicker than water! However, I am so happy to hear what my brother said.

However, when my brother's car drifted away, I suddenly became sentimental, and my tears could not help but fill out. At that moment, I found that I was so attached to this brother who grew up together. Fortunately, I am not a very persistent person. In me, I also know that gathering, dispersion and separation is the normal state of life and a footnote in a good time in life. As a result, this sadness will not last long. Because, I remind myself, to love myself, but also to spoil myself, spoil myself, must be a relaxed person, a warm person. Only in this way can we live up to a period of love.

Over the years, when everything is insipid, the heart still has a sense of loss. The year is like this, vigorous bring people full of happiness, but the sense of loss of the passage of time has also left a taste of time. Even so, I will still be with a gentle heart light degree.

Fortunately, there are words to accompany me. Apart from my brother, words know my mind best. Just like the word in front of me, I cherish it so much, it indulges my joys and sorrows, much like my lover, and I also crave this amorous feelings like a woman in love, which makes me like and love. I suddenly feel that this love and love must be shared with others.

Open Q, who knows but overwhelmingly received so many blessings and love. For a long time, these relationships in the words have made me weak like rosemary. I like this time, the touch in these words, let me become pure, emotional. At the moment, feeling the warmth between the lines, I feel that if I don't write some words, I will really lose you.

In fact, I am a simple person, enjoying these ordinary pleasures, just like meeting my favorite flowers in this spring, which makes me have a clear sense of happiness. This sense of happiness gradually made me ignore the helplessness and coolness of time. In life, I am not greedy. In me, can have the present, can understand those time in those small pieces of warmth, who says, this is not a kind of happiness?

When spring comes, Women's Day is just around the corner. Every year, I pay special attention to it before it comes, in order to remember to spoil myself, because it is spring. In winter, no matter how much you spoil yourself, you are awe-inspiring and restrained, while the women in spring are blooming and beautiful like flowers. In spring, no one wants to miss this magnificent research and development. Even the flowers choose to bloom in spring. In order to share the rich flowers, contending for beauty.

In fact, when spring comes, not only the flowers are impatient, but the woman's heart has already walked in front of it, and the heavy clothes have been changed into thin and bright ones. It can be imagined that one by one blooms in the soft spring breeze, even if it is cool but also exudes a kind of aura. This kind of aura is beyond the reach of those men. In spring, beauty is completely in the hands of women. This control, let the woman proud, self-confident, self-willed. In a woman's heart, there must be a more Women's Day, a more spring spring.

Last year, there were several consecutive rains on Women's Day, so that Women's Day went away as a formal holiday without much to watch. However, the day of this year's Women's Day is very suitable for the occasion. In the background of the picturesque blue sky and the rippling and warm sun, although the slender branches are still just dotted with goose yellow, the birds are still flying around happily. Some even snuggled up to each other and whispered affectionately.

Yes, spring is really suitable for a relationship. Although you can't be sure of some love. It's like a long-distance relationship, maybe this kind of love will hurt yourself. however. You still need to love vigorously. Because, I love this love deeply in my heart. Because, love is masochistic.

Spring is getting thicker and thicker, a little careless, then grandly can not see themselves. Because, spring is domineering and charismatic. Isn't it? In early spring, with one flower after another, she captured all the cities and green spaces in a twinkling of an eye. It was so simple to hide everything behind her in such a domineering manner. So, where can you still be seen?

Of course, the March flowers, peach blossom sang the protagonist, that piece of powder into the eyes is enough to make people a little addicted. It is said that peach blossoms have a kind of evil spirit. And in my opinion, her presentation is really like a lingering love, so thick, so full. Give people a strong and comfortable proper place. To tell you the truth, I like flowers as strong and blooming as love. How beautiful such flowers are! With amorous feelings, fighting for life, and a love of spring. Yeah! Spring, if there is no love of flowers, how lonely and boring it should be!

At this time, Rose also lost no time to seize the time, that school of small fresh and old fence respectively, plain and enchanting, can not help but let people's heart give birth to the meaning of the word. That kind of dark fragrance floating limpid, that kind of spring flowers blooming Lingxiang. The ice-wrapped snow that had been forgotten a few days ago as if it had never been here, suddenly moisturized the festival.

In the afternoon, after passing the flower shop, I saw the red tulips at a glance, and I couldn't help but be happy. It was my aunt's birthday after the new year. I also bought a big bunch of red tulips for my aunt. My relatives and friends kept saying that they were beautiful and festive. As a result, the satisfied aunt became more and more satisfied, and the birthday ended satisfactorily in the ups and downs.

Back home, came to the balcony, inadvertently glanced, saw I put aside a few pots of withered branches emerging a lot of new leaves, watching this new green growing in the sun, that touch of spring warm warm people can not help but moved, a winter, they are comfortable in a tranquil, the time of those flashy and noisy quietly blend in the time Let life be slowly polished in a plain and quiet time.

In March, I made a conscientious person, so attentively weighed clothes, in order to bloom like a flower in early spring. Blossom, it is best to bloom into a peach blossom, soft and enchanting. Then, the heart with a hope and Enron, waiting for an unknown good.

This Women's Day, I am so concerned, not only as beautiful as other women, I also use my favorite words to cater to it, writing, thinking, reading, the heart will feel a kind of soft lingering. Well, I promise it a good one this spring. I make a wish for this Women's Day. I think some people understand this vision even if I don't say it. I want to come!

In spring, or words, or a bouquet of flowers, or a greeting, even if it is just a Women's Day. However, no matter what reason you take, you must give yourself a sense of happiness!

Spring is still flowing. In the flowing spring, remember to spoil yourself, because spring is beautiful.

I want it, and so do you!

Author: Cher