A year in an instant, a lifetime in the blink of an eye


In life, no matter how much regret, how much pain, lucky or unfortunate, are all in the past, all once, put down, will be relaxed.

In life, no matter how brilliant, how wonderful, how many twists and turns, how many failures, will not be perfect, efforts, there should be no regrets.

Life is like a dream, not a dream, because it is too real

Life is like water, not water, because it is bitter.

In life, many things lie in yourself, a lot of feelings lie in the individual, the road of the heart is wide, and the small things are difficult.


To be a man, you need to put your heart into it, and you need to bury your head in doing things. The mind needs to be broadened and the state of mind needs to be relaxed.

Cherish the happiness around you and appreciate what you have.

Put down those who can't move, look down on those who can't afford to hurt, throw away those who can't figure it out, and soothe those who can't be hated.

Life is not easy, life is not long, why use unnecessary troubles, humiliate yourself and hurt the years.

Take it easy, be relaxed, be open-minded and casual.

Everything should be moderate, life should be contented, the pursuit of a complete life is good, yearning for a high quality of life is good, but on the way forward, do not forget to bring a contented heart.


In fact, life is only three days: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Although day and night can be replaced, yesterday, like water, is gone but does not return; although today is there, it is flowing away; tomorrow is just around the corner, but it is also fleeting. Only by letting go of yesterday and cherishing today can we have no regrets for tomorrow.

In fact, life is only two days, day, dark, day and night exchange, the days are endless, only in a good mood, can the quality be high. The moment is a year, the twinkling of an eye is a lifetime.

In this world, living with emotion is a tragedy, living with reason is a comedy.

No rough and rough is not called climbing, no pain and trouble is not life.