Use these words to motivate yourself every day.

1. I am the best. I like myself.

2. The past is not equal to the future. There is no failure, only temporary cessation of success.

3. Every private effort will be redoubled and praised in front of the public.

4. To succeed, don't race with the horse. Ride on the horse and succeed immediately. If you want to succeed, go crazy and move forward with simplicity.

5. If you want to have the same result as a winner, you must take the same action.

6. Success is doing simple things over and over again.

7. Winners are not smarter than you, but take the greatest action in the shortest possible time.

8. Winners do things that others do not want to do, things that others do not dare to do, things that cannot be done.

9. Only by going all out can dreams take off.

10. Leadership is not about training people, it's about choosing the right people.

11. You must constantly expand your social circle.

The friend you choose determines your destiny.

Be sure to make a dream board and post it on the top right.

14. If you insist on the wrong idea, you can only get the wrong result.

15. Use one's strength to make less effort.

16. Time management is about learning the experience of successful people.

17, the benefits of meditation: 1, eliminate negative energy 2, absorb positive energy.

18. I am happy to accept more wealth and greater achievements.

If I don't get what I want, I'm about to get better.

Winners never give up, and quitters never succeed.

Every day, we should study where we can do well, where we can do better!

A hundred times of study is not as good as an action!

23. The best investment is to invest in yourself. The more knowledge you have, the higher your chances of creating achievements and wealth.

24. All leaders are readers!

Help each other and live in heaven!

26. If you want to get more, you must care less.

27. The biggest difference between top people and ordinary people lies in the differences in standards and requirements.

Busyness is not equal to productivity!

29. The starting point of doing things determines the end point of achievement!

Pay attention to what you want, not what you fear!

31. To change things, you must first change; to make things better, you must change for the better!

32. The plan for the year lies in winter, and the plan for the day lies in last night. Welcome to QQ 755303116 to read and follow more American articles. What these two sentences are trying to express is to prepare in advance!

33. If you are in the wrong direction, your efforts will be in vain.

34. Thank you for everything that happens in your life, because every experience has reference value.

35. To run a business is to manage the hearts of the people!

36. To become a Buddha means selfless in my understanding!

37. Only by integrating channels can wealth be created!

38. The party will have a chance!

39. Winners take hardship as a supplement!

40. Only with a team can you have everything!

41. Ask yourself every day where you can do better.

42. There is no definite definition of anything unless you make your own definition!

43. When things are good, don't think too good, when bad, don't think too bad!

44. success requires effort and dexterity. Qiaoli is to borrow strength!

45. Harvard boy Jeremy Shu-how Lin became famous overnight in NBA, proving that success requires preparation and opportunity!

Sometimes, learn to relax, you will succeed!

Sometimes, if you take a step back, things will be round when things are slow.

48, fate does not necessarily have a share, fate may be predestined, but the share depends on taking the initiative to attack!

49. You must be positive in doing things, but you must not be impatient. In order to avoid chaos and defeat!

50, Thanksgiving, gratitude! Only those who know how to be grateful will be blessed. Thank you for everything that happened!

51. If you go all out, you can quickly double your wealth!

52. Imagine, repeat, and believe is the beginning of creating miracles and realizing dreams!

53. emotions can easily influence decisions, and decisions can determine fate, so only by mastering your own emotions can you really control your own destiny!

54. when the students are ready, the teacher will automatically appear; when the effort is enough, the opportunity will come to the door!

55. The law of substitution says that when the mind thinks positive, it cannot think negative at the same time; when the mind thinks negative, it cannot think positive at the same time. So which side do you decide to think about today?

56. Do not regret the past, fear the present or worry about the future.

57. When you encounter difficulties, sometimes, hold on a little longer, and success may befall you!

58. Where there is cause, there is effect; where there is effect, there is cause! It's important to get to the root of things!

59. Only sincerity can move people's hearts. Sincerity in doing business is really important!

60, the enterprise chooses the talent, the character absolutely ranks first!

61. Sit still for ten minutes every day because meditation can eliminate negative energy!

62. the more clear the goal, the more you believe, and the higher the probability of achieving it!

63. find the right talent, it is possible to change the fate of the whole team, organization or enterprise!

64. Everything is difficult at first, but if you have one, you can have two, and if you have two, you can have three, but you must definitely do a good job first, so you have a better chance of success!

65. Wealth automatically flows to outstanding performance and ideas!

66. Listen more and talk less, and wisdom will come faster!

67. The service is in place and the profit is accompanied by it.

68. Believe that you will see it, firmly believe that it will come true!

69. The plan is to buy insurance for success!

70. Stop procrastinating, act now, and do it now!

80. The integration of resources is one of the most important strategies for the development of enterprises today.

81. Only by making the right decision can you have the right result!

82. Be a person with a sense of mission, a loving person, and a person who contributes to society!

83. Success needs dignitaries, but they may be by your side. Pay more attention and communicate more!

84. If you want to be more successful in your career, you must constantly attract and find more partners!

85. The state determines the head, and the head determines the pocket. Be sure to adjust your state every day!

86. It is better to compete with others than to cooperate with others.

87. take more deep breaths every day, which is conducive to good health and better thinking!

Opportunities are more important than knowledge and connections.

89, in the process of success, will go through a lot of tests, you and my work is to work hard to survive!

90. The quality of contacts is often more important than the quantity of contacts.

91. I would rather work hard for a while than work hard all my life.

92. I will do what the winner does.

93. As long as you make progress every day, you will begin to make progress, by 1% every day.

Winners, do things that others do not want to do, do things that others dare not do, do things that others cannot do.

95. Do karma with love and be a man with a grateful heart.

The harder I work, the luckier I will be. The state determines the head, the head determines the pocket. Be sure to adjust your state every day!

Attitude determines height, belief determines result, decision determines life, pay will be outstanding, service will replace sales, thanks will have.

98. Goals determine strategies, success equals goals, happiness attracts success, idols determine life, friends determine destiny, knowledge creates opportunities.

99. Leadership is to select people, management needs forms, dreams can come true, time is greater than money, learning determines the future, thinking determines the way out.

If I can't, I must; if I must, I can!