Dear friends, cherish the happiness around you.

A friend said that the boy who had chased her for a long time got married today.

I said, what do you want? he liked you for five years and you were indifferent.

She said she went to the wedding, the bride was beautiful and the bridegroom was handsome. It seems that for the first time, I thought he was also quite charming. Why didn't I find him in the first place?

She said she thought she had never fallen in love with him. But the moment the bride and groom exchanged rings, she felt distressed for a moment.

She said, the saddest thing is not that the one you love doesn't love you, but that the one who has loved you for many years turns away.

When you see the person who says he loves you all his life and waits for you all his life, he puts a ring on the ring finger of another girl, and you can hear the sound of his heartbreak.

Today's protagonist is not you.

How many people can promise to love someone for the rest of their lives and put them into action? Who will wait for you all the time when there is still no result after many years of hard work?

Finally understand that we can bravely face the person you love does not love you, but no one can face when a person who loves you for a long time turns away.

That kind of pride, that kind of happiness is gone. Please cherish the people around you who love you silently. Maybe one day when he really left. You will find that you, not him, are inseparable from each other.

Jimmy said: when you like me, I don't like you, when you fall in love with me, I like you, when you leave me, I fall in love with you, is it that you walk too fast, or I can't keep up with you? we missed Noah's ark, missed the Titanic, missed all the thrills and not thrills, we will continue to miss! However, please allow me to say such selfish words, after many years, if you are not married and I am not married, then, can we be together?

Give it to all my dear friends and cherish the happiness around me.