2018, cherish the people who contact you all day!

The people who contact you all day.

It's not because I'm bored.

But because I value you.

People who take the initiative to care about you

It's not because there's too much time.

But because I have you in my heart.

People who are willing to help you

Not because it's stupid and stupid.

But because I care about you.

We're all adults.

It's already passed.

The age at which people listen to feelings

Don't believe the sweet words in your mouth

Depends on the actual action.

Anyone can say good things.

But not everyone can do it.

Don't dislike those.

Take the initiative to call you

Someone who sends you messages from time to time

If you don't care,

Who would spend time and energy

Waste it on someone you don't like.

Don't snub those.

Stay with you when you are sad

People who help you when you are in trouble

If it is not cherished

Who doesn't ask for something in return?

Pay for people who don't matter.

This world

There are many people who know you.

There are very few people who treat you well.

There are many people who trouble you.

There are very few people who help you.

If there is a person around

Pay for you without reservation

If you have anything to do, I will come to you.

Contact you all the time

Then you must cherish it.

He has only one pair of eyes and one heart

But I gave you both.

It must be someone who is really nice to you.

Except for parents, siblings,

There are too few people who are really nice to us.

If you meet, hold on tight.

If you have it, cherish it with your life.

It's your regret that I missed it.

Lost, it is your loss!