I'm tired

Whatever I can't let go, it must be because I can't have it.

Some pain, can not say, can only endure, until can slowly forget.

Only when we see the changes of the world clearly can we understand the warmth of human feelings.

A sudden temper is probably a grievance that has accumulated for a long time.

We always give our worst temper to the most important people.

Most of the time, the things we can't change eventually change us.

Saying nothing doesn't mean I don't know anything. There is a kind of tolerance, which is called silence.

Pull the corner of your mouth slightly and pull out an ugly smile.

Time forces people to be strong and pay for all the injuries with a smile.

Life is like a pile of mud, eager to catch something, but get deeper and deeper.

The more you want, the more you pretend to be indifferent; the more you are afraid of losing, the more you pretend you don't care.

More and more self-willed because of too much love. More and more silent is because the injury is too painful. The reason for being more and more polite is because of disappointment.

All the trouble is that the memory is too good after all.

The coldest thing is the human heart, and the most humble thing is the emotion.

Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts; some people come into our lives and make us want to leave footprints on his face.

Lonely people are best at pretending to be busy.

Inexplicably emotional, and then inexplicably sad for a long time.

Lonely for a long time, it becomes a habit, accustomed to thinking about change for a long time, but out of tune with the lively crowd, and finally get used to being alone, used to being quiet, and used to being lonely.

Overdraw tears, we will be heartless smile, if someone can rely on, who will be willing to be independent.

There are a lot of things that you can't help but buy when you know it's not practical, just like some people can't help but approach when they know there's no result.

The so-called growth, is forcing you a person, staggering injury, stumbling strong!

You can't turn on the light when you're afraid of the dark, get in touch if you miss it, and let it go when you're tired.