Don't let your mood get sick.

Life is the mood, life is the state of mind.

People must have a good mood. If there is no good mood, there will be no good days. Therefore, we must not let the mood get sick.


A happy mood is the first element of good health.

A physiologist once did an experiment:

Insert a glass tube into an ice-water mixing container that is exactly zero degrees Celsius, then collect people's qi and water in different emotional states, and draw a psychological map of people's anger.

The experiment found that the angry water exhaled by people when angry was injected into the rats, and the rats died a few minutes later.

It can be seen that the physiological reaction when people are angry is very strong, and the secretions are more complex and more toxic than ever. Therefore, it is difficult for angry people to be healthy and live a long life.

However, in real life, life can not be full of sunshine, can not always have the scent of flowers. If you want to be happy and happy, you have to eliminate all kinds of diseases of the mood.

A man's physical illness is difficult to cure, while a man's mental illness must be cured by himself.

There is only one good medicine: always maintain a good, positive, happy and healthy state of mind!


If you think about happiness, if you don't think about it, it will be painful.

There are always a lot of people want in this life. But when you think about it, everything in life is floating in the clouds. Let it go, that's all.

1. About fate

The most powerless thing a man can do is to arrange his fate. It is difficult to find a foot in one's life. There is a lot of truth in the old Chinese saying. There is no need to fight needlessly. God has arranged everything for you and you will do what you have to do.

But fate can not hinder our joy, no matter what the fate, life is still happy when the state of mind is good.

2. About marriage

The broken pot has its own broken lid, everyone has his own love, and everyone has his own shortcomings.

Husband and wife should turn a blind eye to each other, not only tolerate each other's shortcomings, but also be good at finding the bright spots in each other's body, so that the relationship between husband and wife can be harmonious and long-term.

3. About the family

In life, no one can get out of the family circle, each family member has his own unique personality, there will inevitably be collisions.

But a few discordant notes are cleverly put together, and may be able to play an extraordinarily beautiful movement, depending on how you appreciate it, anyway, the performer is enjoying it. If you want to read more wonderful articles, please follow the reading and appreciation of American articles.

4. About friends

In times of adversity, I understand the warmth of human feelings; in insipid times, I realize that fate is changeable. Time, will precipitate sincere feelings, want to leave you, do not have to force, ask for back, may be a villain.

As the saying goes, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Friends who are really close to each other do not have to contact each other every day, but they always trust and support each other.

5. About children

The child is a certificate of deposit given to you by God, of course it is not your account, and the password is unknown, so you just deposit it in it and when you can take it out and enjoy it, it depends on its owner, don't count on it, just give it.

6. About parents

My parents are the people who set up an account for me, and although they don't want to recover the cost, we should pay it back. Maybe it's not clear until they leave me.


Be a sunny self and form the habit of happiness

1. Appreciate life

Keep a childlike sense of wonder about life, pay close attention to the good things around you, and know how to cherish what you have.

2. Be considerate to others

Respect and be kind to others, learn to accept other people's personality and life, and don't try to change it.

3. Keep learning

It is never too old to learn. Pay attention to new knowledge related to your career and hobbies. Try something you are interested in, such as skiing, surfing, skydiving, etc.

4. Do what you like

Choose a job you like and set aside time to develop your hobbies to meet your special interests.

5. Smile often

Don't be too serious about yourself and life. Try to find a little bit of fun around you, have a sense of humor at the right time, and make life full of laughter.

6. Learn to forgive

Holding a grudge is an act of self-harm. Forgiving others will calm your mind. At the same time, learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself.

7. Meditate

Practicing yoga or meditation can help you relax your body and mind, so you might as well give your mind more time off.

8. Focus on your own business

Focus on creating the life you want, and don't care too much about what others say and do, or even gossip or abuse. There is no need to judge this, because everyone has his own way of life.

9. Never give up

In the face of every challenge, I firmly believe that I have taken a step closer to the goal. If you don't give up, you won't fail. People are more likely to feel happy when pursuing something of value.

10. Take positive action

Everyone has limitations. Don't waste your energy on things beyond your control, but take positive actions and don't wait passively.