If you understand this story, there will be no complaints in life.

Today, I accidentally saw such a story. I felt that although the story was simple, the moral of its content moved me.

An old monk raised a pot of orchids. He took good care of the elegant orchids and often watered her to control weeds and insects.

Under the careful care of the old monk, the orchid grows very healthy and beautiful.

Once, when the old monk wanted to go out to meet friends, he entrusted the pot of flowers to the young monk and asked him to take care of him.

The young monk is very responsible and takes care of the orchid as carefully as the old monk, and the orchid grows healthily.

One day, the little monk watered the orchid and put it on the windowsill and went out to run errands. Do not want the rainstorm, the strong wind overturned and smashed the orchid.

When the little monk came back, he was very sad to see the broken branches and leaves on the ground, and he was also afraid that the old monk would blame him.

A few days later, the old monk came back, and the little monk told him about the orchid and was ready to accept his blame.

But the old monk said nothing.

The young monk was surprised because it was the old monk's favorite orchid.

The old monk smiled faintly and said, "I raise orchids not to be angry."

A simple sentence, but it shows an open-minded attitude towards life.

We don't work to be angry, and we don't fall in love to be angry.

When a bird stands on a tree, he never worries about the branch breaking, because what he believes in is not the branch, but his own wings!

Once what you pay with your heart is irreparable, you don't have to complain or regret anything. Cherish it when you have it, and take it calmly when you lose it. It's good to be worthy of yourself.

If you hate, life is hateful everywhere.

If you are grateful, you can be grateful everywhere.

If you grow up, everything can grow.

The world didn't choose you, you chose the world.

The grass of the Zen courtyard was withered and yellow, and the little monk saw it in his eyes and said to the master, "Master, please sprinkle some grass seeds!" This grass is ugly.

Master said, "Don't worry. When I'm free, I'll buy some grass seeds." You can spill it at any time. What's the rush? Anytime!

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Master bought the grass seeds, gave them to the young monk and said to him, "go ahead and scatter the grass seeds on the ground." When the wind blew, the little monk sprinkled and the grass seeds floated.

No, many grass seeds have been blown away!

Master said, "it doesn't matter, what is blown away is mostly empty, and it won't sprout even if you sow it." What are you worried about? Casual!

The grass seeds were sprinkled, and many sparrows flew in and picked full grass seeds to eat on the ground. When the little monk saw it, he said in panic, "No, the grass seeds have been eaten by birds!" This is over. There will be no grass in this land next year.

Master said, "it doesn't matter. there are many grass seeds, and you can't finish the birds. You can rest assured that there will be grass here next year!"

It rained heavily at night, and the little monk couldn't sleep. He was secretly worried that the grass seeds would be washed away.

The next morning, he ran out of the meditation room early, and sure enough, all the grass seeds on the ground were gone.

So he immediately ran into master's meditation room and said, "Master, last night a heavy rain washed away all the grass seeds on the ground. What should I do?"

Master said unhurriedly, "Don't worry, grass seeds sprout wherever they are washed." Go with fate!

Soon, many green grass seedlings did break out of the ground, and many green seedlings grew in some corners that had not been scattered.

The little monk happily said to the master, "Master, that's great! the grass I planted has grown!"

Master nodded and said, "be happy!"

After reading this story, let me understand:

In this world, there are many things, we are unable to predict, everything takes its course, there is no need to force, but can have some harvest.

Since there is nowhere to hide, it is better to be foolish.

Since there is nowhere to run, it is better to rejoice.

Since there is no pure land, it is better to meditate.

Since you didn't get what you wanted, you might as well be relieved.

Come and go as you should.

Some people, after leaving, face the reality and accept the departure.

Some things happen, whether it is right or wrong, please treat them attentively, maybe you can learn more from these things!

There are tens of thousands of roads in life. When you can't get through, turn around and don't always be single-minded!

Life allows you to wander and hesitate, but you must make a choice.

Then comes a form of open-mindedness, which is not casual, it is natural, it is not excessive, it is not forced, it is not forgetful. If you have an open mind, you can have a free and easy life.

Everything is fate, go with the circumstances, this is a way of dealing with the world, is a kind of serene and tranquil state of mind, but also a kind of calm demeanor.

People live a lifetime, don't always think too much, will be tired! Let nature take its course, let things go, there is nothing wrong with it!