If you are in full bloom, the breeze will come.

In summer, a lotus stands silently on the water, looking from afar, delighted with her incorruptibility, tranquility and green leaves, shaking drops of dew, glittering and translucent, suddenly thinking of Yang Wanli's "small pool": the little tender lotus has just emerged from the tightly wrapped leaf tip, and there is a dragonfly standing on it. Before the height of summer, the lotus leaf has just emerged from the water with sharp horns, and a fly has already stood on it, a joy and softness. Silent spring is to cherish the fine flow of water, tree shade reflects the surface of the water is that it likes sunny tenderness, such a harmonious, warm scene, let people linger.

As if smelling the faint aroma of the lotus, sweet and gentle; as if touching the veil of the bright moonlight, gently in the bottom of my heart, feeling a kind of soft serenity, all right and wrong is gone, the breeze is elegant, bathed in the faint fragrance of lotus leaves, slightly with the smell of water, everything is like being in a lotus pond. If life is like a lotus, all the world is thrown away, leaving only a shallow in the heart, so good; in the heart to build hedges and plant chrysanthemums, freely in full bloom, the breeze will come!

Smile to warm, calm, if you are in full bloom, the breeze comes, read that day, very much like the context in this, if the heart is beautiful, smile with sunshine, calmly deal with all kinds, rain and wind, calm to right, shallow view of it, calmly deal with the yin and sunny circle in life, open your heart, the breeze slowly, will blow through the heart To be a lotus in the meditation enlightenment, pure and transparent, all kinds of troubles in the mind, go with the wind, let the mind Sakayi, understand all kinds of Zen machines in life, what else can not let go, can not let go? At this time, it is spring everywhere, flowers are blooming everywhere, and the breeze is coming.

Smile warm and be at ease. As Lin Huiyin said, true peace is not to avoid the hustle and bustle of cars and horses, but to build hedges and plant chrysanthemums in your heart. Indeed, if there is a source of peach blossoms in your heart, where is it not between water and clouds? If the heart is calm and calm, the flashy nature disappears naturally, such as a quiet orchid, tranquil and emitting fragrance; the soul returns to the original truth, read a poem book, drink a small print, let the ink incense infiltrate the mind, such as bathing spring breeze; my heart is at peace, it is a sunny day.

Fate dies, the world of mortals has its own rules, gains and losses follow the fate, the world is noisy and chaotic, leave a tranquil, a leisurely, keep a window bright, follow the sun, let indifferent state of mind, clear thoughts, purify years of dust flashy; wave for a moment, listen to the voice of the bottom of my heart, all the dirt in the wave, natural cleaning, let everything go with the wind, the heart light calm, clear, transparent.

Living in the material desires, impetuous and noisy today, the redundancy of the soul, often reins the steps ahead, simpler, more natural, more authentic, give the soul a space, but also the years a relaxed and leisurely; have a pure and indifferent, a cup of boiled water can also taste mellow; with a peaceful and tranquil heart, life is calm, time poetry! Meiwen.com.cn

Like to write some experience, whether written or not, are the words of their own heart, this decoration to share, private to the public, are happy things, happy their own happiness, like their own love, banish all the silence in the narrow pages, those who have been reluctant to give up blooming in the corner of time, pick up the pen is love, write down is read, eloquent, slowly go, just so blindly here Like it. Pour into the ups and downs of the years, will be a pure heart back to life.

I prefer the soul hidden in the text, take its mind away and fly between words and fingers, read in this way, read in that way, are all the words of life understanding, is a part of life, will read the prosperity to peace, will be boring to read the meaning of painting, slowly in the creation of this space, quietly blooming, I believe the breeze will follow.

Think of a very Zen words, a flower a day hall, a grass, a world, a tree, a Bodhi, a land like a pure land, a smile and a dust fate; a quiet mind, the heart is a lotus blossom. This Zen phrase contains a profound philosophy, give the mind a pure land, a quiet, the heart is like a lotus, slowly blooming, this is the most true, good and beautiful realm, life is a journey, the earth has been gone for a long time, inevitably stained with dust, blinded the mind, obscured the eyes, troubles, desires, pain, hidden growth, all dust thoughts, from the heart, a thought down, the moment in full bloom.

Cut a wisp of breeze, enjoy a piece of idle clouds, pick up a little print, taste a cup of tea, accompany a long book of years, read without words, is a yearning situation; a smile of quiet meditation, sitting watching the wind and moon, listening to time, a smile, earthly annoyance to the ground into dust, peace, quiet years, fleeting years, you are in full bloom, the breeze comes.

Through the wind and dust of the years, the heart is like a lotus, blooming, faint, light, shallow in the face of earthly chaos, as quiet as a lotus, classical and tranquil, quiet in the field of water to release the fragrance of life, Xinya refreshing to diffuse, I believe that if you are in full bloom, the breeze will come!

Falling plum snow dance