We got drunk again on the night of the World Cup final.

On the night of the World Cup final, we got drunk again and rolled around with the four best players in the cheapest bar on our side. I don't know where this store is cheap, because I have never bought a bill here. Every time I go in and out joyfully, walking around and twisting, I see the trunk at the door and I have to hug it. My friend comes to help me and shouts, "I can walk by myself. I'm not drunk!" Appear to be an independent strong woman of a new era.

The other day, when I talked about a friend Xiao long breaking up with his girlfriend, I was in a better competition than you. Compared to later, I was physically and mentally exhausted, and I could feel that all the smiles of Xiao long could not hide the gloom in the depths of his eyes. Xiao long didn't talk much that day, but he was drinking and drinking. 'After the breakup, I feel like I can't live like this, so I'm going to drink this difficult time, and the pain will be filled up, and the faithful alcohol will accompany you, 'Xiao long said.' life is not as bad as you thought,'he said. the things that can't pass when you wake up are gone. Anyway, I don't remember anything, why to drink, how to drink, how to sleep, how to wake up, the people and things that make you sad, or even the people lying next to you. The little dragon tells us that those who can't bear to drink as much as possible will be used to choke to death.

Xiao long and his girlfriend accidentally had a child, and they couldn't eat at that time, even though they had no disagreement to get rid of the child. On the way there, neither of them spoke, but Xiao long reached out and touched her face. The little dragon began to talk to their children, saying that it was not your parents who didn't want you, but that it was a bad time for you to come here. Next time we come again, we will treat you well. Saying that he also began to cry, who knows there is a next time in this life, the next time in the next life.

After the operation, Xiao long took his girlfriend to the most famous noodle restaurant and ordered the most expensive noodle soup. Xiao long said that she is the kind of person who is the best to buy anything. If she is usually allowed to eat these, she will surely cry and shake the table, but at that time, she put up with it, and no matter how big it is, she quietly hid it in her heart, and then silently drank another bowl of soup.

We had just finished the first half of the game between Spain and Holland, and we had almost had enough to drink. The men and women were lying next to each other on their thighs, circling around the table. The little dragon had drunk his head under the table. Maybe he had forgotten the reason why he broke up. But I really wanted to keep an eye on the score, but I couldn't lift my head. I lay down for a long time, but I forgot what I was thinking.

I don't know why I remember the story of the little dragon very clearly, maybe under the influence of alcohol, I can forget something at the same time. Life is so mundane that if we can remember in alcohol our dream of being a scientist in kindergarten, or dream about the thin legs of a row of nurses on the other side of the wall, it is worth our struggle and firmness in the breeze.

When our old teeth fall out, our hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys all dry up, our bodies are covered with tubes, and our ears can't even hear the dirge that the fancy world sings for you. I can't remember squatting down just want to tie my shoes, can't remember those hot love and hate, how to run at night, and how to cry and hug each other. I believe they will never be separated. When we are thoroughly drunk, we will be beaten back to our original form and become babies with nothing to do and need to be taken care of by others.

My dear, there is only a small piece of rotten brain left. I only remember that I love you and you love me.

Author: cy9466