What is a person who is really capable of a career? (incisive)


Be able to resist loneliness

If you want to succeed in life, you must be able to resist loneliness, especially at the beginning of starting a business, in order to achieve your goal, maybe when others are at rest, we are still paying in obscurity. This process is very lonely, but if we can survive it, we will achieve greater success than others.


Can stand loneliness.

Life for life, for work, for career, often we can not accompany with relatives and friends, but must take up a lot of rest time and family reunion time. Can we stand this loneliness?


Can withstand the pain.

The road of life is not plain sailing, along the way there will inevitably be a lot of ups and downs, tears, pain. After suffering, there are often two kinds of results: one is depressed; the other is more powerful. Are we depressed or stronger after suffering? It depends on whether we can withstand the pain?


Can withstand the pressure

If there is no pressure in life, there will be no motivation. Everyone knows this simple truth, but many people choose to escape and give up when they are under pressure. Only when we correct our mindset and face the pressure calmly, will we inject unlimited power into our growth and development.


Can resist temptation

In life, we must stick to our ideals and principles. As long as what we adhere to is the right thing, even if there will be temporary pain, we should stick to it; if what we do is wrong, even if we will get short-term happiness, we should resolutely refuse it! There are all kinds of temptations everywhere in life. if the concentration is not strong, these temptations will affect and hinder our progress at any time, and even make us lose our way and fall into a whirlpool of short-term interests. In the face of various temptations, we should, as always, adhere to our correct principles and ideals.


Can withstand twists and turns

Every failure in life, every tears and sweat are always trespassing us, so let our road of development is full of thorns, but after countless twists and turns will let us deeply understand the true meaning of life, we ask ourselves can withstand the twists and turns again and again? After going through countless twists and turns, can we still persist?


Be able to bear the blow

Can we afford to be cynical to others face to face and hit us again and again by our customers? Can we still maintain our original passion and stick to our goals? Can we continue to increase the number of measures without falling the target? In market development, when customers impolitely let us go, what kind of mentality will we maintain? Shall we continue to fight or leave in disappointment and never fight for an interview again? Whether individuals or collectives do not grow up in the blow, they will perish in the blow!


Be able to lose face

The face of life is given by yourself, not by others. Fear of losing face will make you lose face for the rest of your life, and fear that failure will lead to failure for a lifetime! Fear of losing face often brings the result of swollen face and fat face, which will make you more miserable, thus lose more face and let yourself fall into a vicious circle!


Be able to take responsibility

It is not uncommon for us to talk about the word "life responsibility" at any time in our life and work. The explanation of responsibility in Xinhua Dictionary: the fault that should be done but not done or not done well. There are three kinds of responsibilities: family responsibility, corporate responsibility and social responsibility. In the family, we play the roles of children, fathers, husbands, wives, etc.; in enterprises, we play the roles of employees, managers, leaders or bosses; in society, we play the roles of citizens, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs and so on. In short, everyone plays different roles on different occasions, but can we really take actions to play our roles in various occasions?


Be able to lift up the spirit

Life when we work overtime or overwork for many days in a row, can we pick up our spirits and continue to sprint for our goals? The world is the room of practice, dust is the realm of practice, the sky is the will of practice, and the earth is the breast of practice!

A man who aspired to become a billionaire at the age of 40 gave up his job and started a business at the age of 35, hoping to get rich overnight.

In the past five years, he has opened a travel agency, a coffee shop, and a flower shop. Unfortunately, every time he starts a business, he fails and his family is in a desperate situation. His exhausted wife went to seek the help of an eminent monk. The eminent monk said to his wife, "if your husband is willing, invite him to come."

Although the gentleman has come, he can see that this trip is only to tease his wife. Without saying a word, the eminent monk took him to the courtyard of the temple and said to the gentleman, "if you can sweep away the fallen leaves in the courtyard, I will tell you how to make billions."

The gentleman thought it would be difficult to finish sweeping the yard, so he took the broom and began to sweep the floor. I finally finished sweeping, but I saw that the ground that had just been swept had fallen all over the leaves.

After a day of trying, there are as many fallen leaves on the ground as when we first arrived. The gentleman angrily threw away the broom and ran to the eminent monk to ask why the eminent monk made fun of him like this.

The eminent monk pointed to the leaves on the ground and said: desire is like an endless sweep of fallen leaves on the ground, covering your patience layer by layer. Patience is the voice of wealth. You have 100 million desires in your heart, but only one day's patience on your body. Just like the fallen leaves in autumn, you can't sweep clean until all the leaves are gone in winter, but you want to sweep the floor in one day.

With that, I asked the husband and wife to go back.

Before leaving, the eminent monk said to this gentleman that in order to repay his hard work in sweeping the floor today, they would pass by a barn on their way home, in which there would be 100 bags of rice. If the husband was willing to help him move the rice outside the barn, there would be a door behind the rice pile with a treasure chest in which there was not a lot of gold donated by good men and women, so take it as a reward for sweeping the floor and moving rice for me today.

After a long walk, the couple saw the barn. For gold's sake, the gentleman did not begin to move the rice out of the warehouse. When he was almost finished, he saw that there was really a door behind him. He pushed the door open, and there was indeed a treasure chest inside.

There is a small sack of sacks inside the treasure chest, and everything in the bag is dumped to the ground. To his disappointment, there were no gold nuggets on the ground, only a pile of black seeds and a piece of paper that read: there is no gold here.

Disappointed, the deceived husband slammed his sack on the wall and angrily opened the door to leave, only to see the eminent monk standing outside the door, holding a handful of seeds in his hands and whispering: the hundred bags of rice you just carried took four months to grow out of this small bag of seeds. Your patience is not as good as a seed of rice, how can you hear the voice of wealth?

Feng Lun said that greatness is the result of it.

Because ordinary people can not bear grievances, you have to bear; ordinary people need others to understand comfort and encouragement, but you do not; ordinary people vent their emotions by fighting negative accusations, but you must see love and light and learn to transform and digest in anything; ordinary people need a shoulder to lean on when they are vulnerable, and you are the shoulder on which others rely.

No matter how much grievance you can bear, how much you can do; how much you can bear the slander, how much praise you can bear; if you can stand loneliness, you can keep the prosperity.

None of us have the option to avoid humiliation in the workplace, but when humiliation comes, you don't have to be afraid. As long as you can train yourself and have the ability to be reborn every time you are hurt, you will certainly be able to break out of the cocoon in the workplace, and the humiliation and injury you have swallowed will be worth it.

Whoever can swallow more grievances will have the right to speak.

At the inauguration ceremony of President Mandela, Mandela invited the three jailers who guarded him to watch the ceremony. He said that his time in prison taught him to control his emotions, to deal with the pain caused by suffering, and to stand up in full view of the public to pay homage to the three jailers.

This move, which aroused the respect of people present and around the world, not only humiliated the white South Africans who had abused him for many years, but also demonstrated Mandela's extraordinary bearing and pattern. It is self-evident who has the right to speak.

The disciple asked, "Master, you sometimes beat, scold and ask people, and sometimes you are polite. What's the mystery in this?"

Master said, "to treat a superior person directly to the hearts of the people, you can beat and scold him, and treat him with his true face; treat him with the most metaphors in the middle class, and he can't bear to be beaten and scolded; to treat the inferior people with a smile on his face and his hands together, he is very fragile and small-minded. Only use secular etiquette to treat him.

What you swallow is humiliation, but what you feed is your pattern. What kind of grievances you can bear determines what kind of person you can become.