You always have to go through some hardships alone.

When browsing moments, I saw a dynamic of Ayafa, which read: I finally got used to eating in the cafeteria, squeezing the bus, studying in the library and watching movies alone. I was finally able to shake hands with those who once thought I was afraid of loneliness. It turns out that growing up is always a matter of one person. Those who enjoy lonely time alone can make me stronger and more leisurely. I like who I am.

After reading the words written by Aya, I gave her 100,000 likes from the bottom of my heart. Compared with her a year ago, it has changed too much. She is no longer the cowardly girl who weeps her face all day long. Instead, she is stronger and more independent.

Time goes back to the days when she first came to Beijing, tied with a long ponytail, simple and lovely. I especially remember her foolishly following her boyfriend and greeting me, but it hurts to think of it now. Compared with her, who was not deeply involved in the world and stupid at that time, I prefer the tenacity of her character after she has overcome the difficulties.

Aya came to Beijing because her boyfriend decided to work hard in a big city. Aya supported him and followed him from the far south to this strange city. A woman is willing to go to a strange city for the man she loves deeply, the starting point of her heart must be for love, in order to be able to go with this man to the end. However, there are always many buts in the story. My boyfriend fell in love with a colleague of the company and decided to break up with Aya.

I still remember Aya's desperate eyes when her boyfriend moved out of the rented house. She said that she cried and begged her boyfriend not to abandon her, and even said cruel words. The changed boyfriend was so ruthless that he dragged his suitcase out of the rental house where he once lived together and slammed the door, leaving only a crying Aya.

That night, Aya cried hysterically beside me, as if she could shed all her tears in one night, and maybe she wanted her feelings for her boyfriend to flow away with the tears.

Before long, Aya seemed to be a different person, working hard and challenging things that she had been afraid to do, such as living alone, going bungee jumping and traveling everywhere. She is no longer afraid of those dark nights, no longer afraid of those helpless emptiness. Because she knew from the bottom of her heart that she must not let herself stay in the sadness of the past. She wants to prove to her boyfriend that she is not as cowardly as she thought, and that her bravery will bloom when needed.

Aya, who came out of the lovelorn, has more experience: in life, it is good for someone to love you, love you and cherish you. But we still need to practice one's skills to get along better with ourselves. In fact, a person does not mean loneliness, we can allow ourselves to adjust our mentality in this gap, and give others a bright surprise in silence.

Loneliness is inborn and inevitable, and everyone goes through such a moment.

Perhaps, today, you are drifting alone in the big city, going home alone, eating alone, and driving alone. You may not get used to it at first, but over time, you will also find that a person who faces life seriously will make the originally unimproved little life interesting.

Perhaps, you just experienced a lovelorn, those empty time alone so that you do not know what to do. But as time goes by, a free life may give you more time to improve yourself and learn how to love someone better in the future.

Perhaps, nowadays, in order to give your family a better life, you go out early and come back late every day, work hard alone, face all the difficulties alone, and strive desperately to earn money to support your family. But every time you see the happy and contented smile of your beloved family, you will think it's all worth it.

All those hard times will eventually lead to a better you.

At that time, you will no longer care so much about the gains and losses of life and someone without saying goodbye, you will be more calm and calm to thank those who have experienced everything. Those who cannot defeat you will eventually make you stronger.

On the way of growing up, we always encounter some difficulties, and there are always times when we are disappointed and helpless. Don't be afraid of those difficulties, and don't be afraid to face those lonely times. On the contrary, it is precisely the power brought by you to overcome loneliness alone that makes you more attractive at the moment.

Do not expect others to teach you to grow up hand in hand, and do not easily place hopes on others. For growth, only after overcoming the loneliness of all one person, can we really become strong spontaneously and replenish the sense of security that the heart really needs. Don't be afraid of loneliness. Loneliness will eventually make you a stronger person.

Please believe that you will be able to overcome those cowards. Please believe that the stronger and more leisurely you will eventually meet love. Please believe that you will be better in the future.