A letter to my daughter on the eve of the college entrance examination

Daughter, you have experienced a life experience, your strength and optimism has proved that you are a great person! Believe in yourself. Do you still remember your experience of climbing Mount Tai? In fact, when you started to climb, you already had a firm belief that I could climb to the top of Mount Tai! Oh, isn't it? And when you climb the mountain, you don't doubt that you can't climb it, and you don't think about whether you can see the sunrise. No matter whether others surpass you or lag far behind you, you just adjust your mindset and take every step in a down-to-earth manner. Do you remember climbing the last paragraph of the eighteen sets? It was the steepest and most difficult part of climbing Mount Tai. You also gritted your teeth and ran up. It's rare! Can you see how explosive you are? I believe you in this final sprint stage, you will adjust your mentality, there is a way to activate your explosive power!

Good luck will surely take care of a persevering child like you. After the wind and rain is a rainbow, after this hell-like experience, you will be like an eagle on the prairie, grow solid wings, with indomitable perseverance to fight against the sky.

Children review for the exam, what on earth can parents do to help their children effectively?

In April 2009, when many children were making their final efforts for the college entrance examination, a mother in Datong, Shanxi Province, called the hotline to talk to a counselor about her children: our family is now child-centered, and I quit my job to take care of him full-time at home. For his college entrance examination, we do not watch TV, go to school, pick up after school, and even breakfast eggs are peeled by his father and handed him to eat. But why don't children study hard? The grades are getting worse and worse. After getting on the phone, my mother kept complaining.

It turned out that in order to cooperate with the children to participate in the college entrance examination, after the National Day in 2008, the whole family agreed that the mother would resign to take care of the children at home, from clothing, food, housing and transportation to buying auxiliary books and attending training courses. Mother is busy every day, shuttling between home, school and training classes at three o'clock. On the contrary, the son is extremely relaxed, holding out his clothes and opening his mouth, and his mother has a full schedule. All he has to do is follow in his mother's footsteps like a robot. It seems that it is the mother, not the son, who is going to take the exam.

The mother is very busy, but the child's achievement is definitely not proportional to the mother's efforts. After the family members (because there is only one boy in the family, the child has become the treasure of grandpa, grandma, grandpa) unanimously decided that the formal communication between father and child. Because the father works in the state organs, and in the process of personal study, there are many bright spots that are worth learning. However, the conversation between the child and the father surprised everyone: haven't you arranged everything? Just ask my mother about her studies. If you go to a good college, I don't have to go to college. Besides, dad, isn't the money you earn for me? What can I do if I go to college? The child's words amazed the family. The whole family is for the good of the children, but they don't know what they have done wrong. The mother felt even more frustrated. Her son was totally ungrateful for her good intentions and hard work.

It can be said that what parents do before the college entrance examination is to give support and help to their children, but if the ways and methods are different, the effect will be very different. What happens to the family in the case is very common in the families where their children take the college entrance examination every year. The behavior and mood of parents are completely understandable, and to a certain extent, it is also caused by the current education system and social reality of our country. The baton of the college entrance examination plays an incisive and vivid role in the family, and the children's college entrance examination is the top priority of the whole family. Parents always think that as long as they do a good job, it will be done.

Parents all hope that their children can learn to be self-reliant, but they cannot allow their children to make detours and make mistakes when they grow up. Therefore, many parents hope to be able to control the rudder for their children at the critical junctions of their children's life, from the arrangement of daily life and the choice of reviewing materials to setting goals, schools and majors for their children. Parents have become the commanders on the battlefield of the college entrance examination for their children. But learning, the college entrance examination is the child's own business, need to let the child responsible for their own affairs, but many parents have stepped in. The children's affairs are decided and arranged by the parents, which virtually bears the responsibility for the children and deprives the children of the opportunity to grow up. At the same time, it will also cause a lot of pressure to the children. In addition, to a certain extent, many parents are conditioned to pay for their children at this time. Once the results of the college entrance examination fail to meet the parents' expectations, parents will fall from full of expectations to great disappointment, complaining, blaming their children, and even losing confidence in their children's future. In this way, it is easy to cause the child's frustration, self-blame, pain, or put the responsibility for failure on the parents.

The college entrance examination is important, but it is not the only way to become a talented person. It is a blessing for children to be admitted to an ideal university for further study in order to achieve higher personal development, but even if they fail in the college entrance examination, they cannot be considered to have lost the whole game. In modern society, it can be said that there are thousands of ways to become talents, and the road of life is full of examination rooms. Therefore, in the face of their children's college entrance examination, parents should first correct their mindset and try their best to let nature take its course and act as it should, so as to make home the most stable support base for candidates.

Parents should realize from the heart that the college entrance examination is the child's own business, and the child should be responsible for the current matter. Parents should make it clear to their children: parents trust you, what can we do for you? It is best to negotiate between parents and children to make clear what the children should do when they review for the exam, what the parents should do, and what the parents should help the children to do.

Children's learning status and habits can not be changed in a short period of time, and it is unrealistic to expect children's learning methods and learning foundation to be greatly improved before the exam. Therefore, when parents communicate with their children, parents try not to take the initiative to talk about study, college entrance examination, etc., let alone nagging and urging their children to review attentively or blaming their children for their lack of effort in the early days, which will only increase the pressure and antipathy of their children. Parents had better not arbitrarily instruct their children to study or even substitute for their children to make review plans and teach examination skills. Parents need to play the role of an assistant in the college entrance examination and try their best to help collect some accurate and authoritative information and materials. As for subjects and exam-oriented guidance, they can seek the help of experienced teachers when needed.

In addition, parents should also pay attention to create a relaxed and harmonious family atmosphere, optimize the quality of children's diet and sleep, communicate more with teachers, and timely and accurately grasp children's state of mind, mood changes, and so on.

Parents silently accompany their children through the examination to give their children support and strength to help them improve the process, which is not only a new experience for parents, but also a process of parents' growth. Parents and children support each other to go through this extraordinary time together, which will become a great wealth in each other's lives. Heaven rewards you for your hard work, you are sure to succeed! Believe in your own strength, calm, calm, light and radical, bravely rush up! Believe your mother's words, you will succeed! You're the best!

As teacher Zhang Yanhua said, you think there are many talented people in the world, but in fact there are not many, and you are one of them. What he said is very reasonable. Take a good look at what teacher Zhang gave you. His every sentence contains philosophy.

Daughter, no matter what the circumstances, Mom and Dad will always be your strong backing! You have the ability, but also honed the indomitable perseverance and the spirit of enduring hardships, what is more valuable is that you can smile so sweetly in the cruel competition among the world in your third year of high school, even when you are sick. How many people can do that? That's why you're getting better so quickly, don't you think you're a great person? This is what teacher Zhang said about the general's demeanor, calm and calm, I believe you will certainly apply your good quality to the exam!