To learn to cook is to learn to make a living and make love.

When I was very young, I used to go shopping with my grandmother. This old lady, who has been cooking all her life, always consciously teaches me how fresh pork is, how old or tender eggplant is, and whether green vegetables have been treated with pesticides.

When I got home, my grandmother gave me a small chair and asked me to sit down and help her peel beans and pick vegetables and do as little things as she could.

At that time, I was ignorantly repeating these simple tasks, but I didn't understand that Grandma was teaching me to cook and the most ordinary but extraordinary things in my life.

Now that I have grown up, walking alone in the fresh area of the supermarket, I always feel light and happy. Seeing the exquisite and beautiful cups and plates, I couldn't help but want to take them all home. If you eat a good meal when you are unhappy, you will no longer be afraid of ups and downs.

It turns out that firewood, rice, oil and salt is also a kind of growth and practice.

Because, there are thousands of worlds in food and ten thousand kinds of things in cooking. So you must learn to cook, not only to fill your stomach, but also to heal yourself with food and energy in this world of tenderness and cruelty. Cymbals

Cooking is a survival skill.

After Qianhui, a cancer mother in Japan, risked her life to give birth to her daughter, Ah Hua, unfortunately, the cancer cells spread and her life entered the countdown.

The strong and brave mother wanted to leave her daughter a lifetime legacy before she died. After thinking about it, Qianhui decided to teach her daughter to cook, because learning to cook means the formation of viability.

On Ah Hua's 4th birthday, her mother gave her an apron as a birthday present and began to consciously train her to cut vegetables and cook soup. As a result, the little girl without a high stove stepped on a small stool, trembled and picked up a kitchen knife and spatula and used her tender hands to play with pots and pans to mix oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Other children are still tired of acting coquettish in their parents' arms. Ah Hua has worn an apron and is in charge of the family's stomach and mood.

The mother is naturally distressed, but she can only be ruthless and push her daughter into the sharpening and test of life. She said:

Hua, cooking is closely related to life. I'm going to teach you how to get a kitchen knife and how to do housework. Study can be put in the second place, as long as you are healthy and able to support yourself, you will be able to live no matter where you go or what you do in the future.

Ah Hua's cooking.

Living on your own, salary has been reduced to high marks and high salary by many parents nowadays. As long as you study hard, nothing else has become their mantra.

Children who live alone when they grow up often eat takeout as a common occurrence, and gastrointestinal problems emerge one after another. But people who can't take good care of their health, how to shake hands with life? From this point of view, the mother of the little girl Ah Hua is well-intentioned.

Qianhui died before her daughter was five years old. Ah Hua's father was depressed and depressed, but he was saved by the brown rice and miso soup made by his daughter on tiptoe. Father and daughter depend on each other and continue their joys and sorrows in the pain of losing their wife and mother.

The grown-up Ah Hua

A Hua's life will not be too bad, because she will not injure her heart and stomach, know how to love herself and others, and will not indulge her cowardice and pain under any circumstances.

To teach a child to cook is to teach him to make a living and love.

Cooking is an art of life.

I have met some girls who always talk about cooking and change their color. When they talk about this topic, they play with their new manicures and proudly say that they are a well-off and well-off girl who does not touch the spring water on their fingers.

Cooking always seems to have a smell of smoke and fire, which makes people can't help thinking of aged woman, who turns around the stove, makes soup, and looks forward to it at the dinner table.

So girls subconsciously resist, perhaps not cooking, but a pathetic life in which housewives lose themselves.

I have also had such a prejudice. After all, I have seen my grandmother and mother who boil their youth into one porridge and one meal, so I can't wait to escape from that fate.

When I was a teenager, I only wanted to wear high heels to work in the future, but I always didn't want to bow my eyebrows and wash my hands to make vegetable soup.

Until he went to a professor's house when he was in college, his wife, dressed in a homely hemp dress, smiled and cut the fruit on a plate.

There are oranges, kiwi and strawberries, which are not so complicated, but as soon as you put your heart into it, the whole fruit bowl becomes beautiful with vitality.

I glanced quietly into the kitchen and saw that the teacher had long hair and was quietly cutting beef. Their kitchen was clean and tidy, and there was a bottle of lilac dried flowers on the stove.

The dinner that day was very sumptuous, with braised beef in a big bowl of blue and white, cold preserved eggs in full bloom, green vegetables set against white porcelain plates, and a table full of lively colors.

The teacher's wife enthusiastically introduced us to each dish and told us with a smile: I like cooking very much. Watching them become delicious in my hands, the satisfaction and happiness in my heart are almost beyond words.

The professor looked at his wife with admiration and doting eyes and said again and again, thank you for your hard work.

It turns out that there is really a kind of woman who can turn firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea into piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, hops.

When we asked further questions, we learned that our wife majored in aesthetic research and had a lot of experience in delicious food. She said a word to us at that time, which is still unforgettable.

She said: women cook not to please their husbands and families, but to make life more beautiful. Because cooking itself is an art.

People who can express their aesthetic taste and exquisite thoughts with a meal naturally also know how to extricate themselves from the heavy pressure of life and live a delicious life.

Cooking is a gift of love.

Less than a year after I married Mr. Gao, I gained several pounds, and my originally weak body was gradually improving. Because he made great efforts to develop a lot of nutritious and delicious dishes, which greatly stimulated my appetite and strengthened my body.

Kidney-tonifying yam, nourishing ribs and cosmetic tomatoes. He studied various recipes and improved the processing according to my physical condition. Because those starches, fats and vitamins can bring a steady stream of energy and make me healthy and beautiful.

I feel happy, and I understand why I should marry a man who can cook for you.

Because the diet of men and women of flesh and blood, the need for grains and meat fruits and vegetables.

When you really fall in love with someone, you will naturally want to give her the best, hiding your deep love in a porridge, a rice, a wisp. You will be afraid that she will not eat well, and you can't wait to open fire yourself, bringing all the richness and beauty of the world to her.

The temperature of the kitchen determines the temperature of a home to a great extent. That square inch reconciled with the five flavors of the world, lively and warm aroma to the nostrils, someone poured into a lot of love.

We finely cut up the ups and downs on the board and fry the joys and sorrows slowly in the pan of oil. The long flow of life-long water is actually in these little happiness and joy.

If you know how to cook, when you are a parent, you will know how to develop that small body into strong muscles and bones; when your parents grow old, you will also know how to comfort their old and weak injuries with diet.

In fact, the most natural expression of love is to ask softly: are you hungry? Shall I cook you a bowl of noodles?

Cooking is a life practice.

Foodie, who is best at writing articles and poems, is Su Dongpo, a talented scholar in the Song Dynasty.

But what is rare is not the delicacies in the magnificent chapter, but the brilliant hands of the talented people. Wen Neng picked up the pen and Wu Neng to cook, invented a series of delicacies named after Dongpo, ate happily, lived, and always sweltered.

Su Shi suffered three times of relegation in his life. Huizhou, Huizhou and Danzhou were all barren places at that time, far away from rivers and lakes, together with those who were banished from the body, there was probably that ambition and passion.

But in his poems, it is rare to look around at a loss of melancholy and pessimism, on the contrary, it is the kind of broad-minded optimism and peace of mind, which has been alive so far in the scrolls and has become the comfort of many people who have been lost in the world.

This should have something to do with his love of eating, being able to eat and being good at making delicious food.

Huangzhou is remote and life is hard, but Su Shi has produced a dish of Dongpo meat, which tastes fragrant and tastes beautiful, which is spread as a beautiful talk with his poems.

When he lived in Danzhou in his later years, he invented a Dongpo soup, which was regarded as a classic by later generations.

Not to mention Braised Dongpo Pork Hock with Brown Sauce Dongpo tofu and so on. I guess that when cooking these tempting delicacies by hand, Suzi's heart should be quiet, like a drop of water pouring into the sea, calm but generous. Because, he has seen the tenderness in the ordinary life.

Suzi's delicious journey should be a great life practice, fried and fried, and the ups and downs are all kinds of life, so it is written that the taste of life is Qinghuan, and it is also clear that people will be reunited and separated, and the moon will be full and missing.

Walk and eat all the way, not afraid of the mountains and rivers, nor of the sinister hearts of the people. Anyway, there are still a pair of hands and a heart, as well as all kinds of delicacies in the north and south of the river, the scenery everywhere in the world, and bosom friends everywhere in life.

In this way, ordinary ingredients can be turned into magic. With the heart and hand that is good at discovering and creating beauty, we will live what is in the eyes of others into poetry and distance.

When you don't know what to do, you cook. If you feed your stomach, your heart will not be empty.

Those who have eaten with tears can go on, and those who have cooked with tears can go further. Because the immortal faith and the immortal dream still shine in my heart.