The heart is on the road, the road is under foot

You say that there may be a hot sun on the road, which will make you destroy everything in a black light.

You said that there might be high winds and torrential rain on the road, which would make you

One stop and lose direction.

But I want to say: the world is so big, I want to see it, and this is my start.

A bag, an umbrella, a bottle, and a heart, I set off.

I started late and the sun was bright, but I couldn't change my mood of jumping for the first time.

The road is long and tired, but I can't change the mood that I insist on for the success of the first step.

However, although the long journey is long and boring, it still can not avoid accidents, and the walking car of about ten kilometers has left me with an indelible regret. Holding the Trailwalker certificate and looking at the authentication words, the feeling in my heart is indescribable.

Although physically and mentally exhausted, but the harvest of joy is far more.

If I hadn't taken part in this activity, my long trip plan would never have started.

If I hadn't participated in this activity, I wouldn't have known my lovely and loving friends.

If I had not participated in this activity, I could not have been particularly firm in my faith now.

But fortunately, if only if, it will never be reality.

You always say impossible because you deny your possibility from the bottom of your heart from the very beginning.

You always say you can't do it because you obliterate your potential from the very beginning.

In fact, anything is possible and anything can be done.

As long as the heart is on the road, the road is under foot.

Author: lazy rat nest