Afternoon contemplation

It was a scene of a winter afternoon: the sky overhead was covered with silver-gray clouds, but several wild birds flying over the mountains could still be seen on the ground; the north wind blew gently and felt a fierce chill when it was close to his face; a black poodle ran after the harvest with its tongue out, and the ducks on the ridges of the fields were frightened and flew into the ditch at the edge of the field. It is not entirely right to say that it is a canal, at least it is very wide, about six or seven meters. This used to be a pond. I remember when we were very young, we used to wash clothes or other things by the pond. But now, the water here is full of muddy color, which is full of discarded glass medicine bottles. People in the neighborhood will never come here to wash things again, except for the flock of ducks and some unknown waterbirds. I stood by the side of the road and stared at the ducks who were leisurely in the muddy water, floating on the surface with a "quack" sound, plunging their necks into the water and flapping their outstretched wings, paying no attention to what was going on around them.

The land under my feet has nurtured generations of people. The old generation dies slowly, while the younger generation chooses to leave home. Now, for the people here, I don't know how much they love this land. Of course, even if I write this article, I may not love it very much. To tell you the truth, I feel a little resentful. I can't resent this land. Instead, I hate the people who live here-the people who watched me grow up and the people I grew up with.

With the passage of time, this group of people betrayed the land under their feet, in other words, they are the unworthy descendants living in this land. Now, asphalt roads have been built to their doorstep, and buildings have been built on fields that used to be arable land; the facts that follow are: old trees have disappeared, ponds have been filled up, and rivers have lost their former appearance.

Sometimes, my heart is full of confusion: should I celebrate the sight in front of me, or should I deeply mourn the past? Now, will the people living in this land feel really happy? Perhaps, some people will say happy, some people will also say unhappy. The standard of happiness is as elusive as the standard of beauty. Therefore, we cannot give an exact definition of happiness. Whether people are happy or not depends on the concept of happiness formed in their hearts. Some people say that three meals a day is happiness; others say that having a car, a room and a ticket is happiness. In this way, we can say that happiness and happiness have no father, no happiness goes forward and one learns, it dies and has no heirs. However, the land in front of us may have no heirs like happiness, and what is even more tragic is that it has no "past". Now, it is like a "lonely old man".

Its "past" is obviously buried under the gear of modernization, but it does not erect tombstones one by one. Then why should we commemorate it. Some people say, memories. In this land, the mother tells the story to her son, while the son relies on the narrative; the son tries to make more people miss it, but it's more like nothing. In fact, all the memories are only half true, and the other half are fictional. Have you ever heard of false memory syndrome? That's probably what happened. Therefore, relying solely on "memory" can not restore the true face of this land. Those that are gone will never come back; they can only be constantly tampered with and embellished in memory, so that the truth becomes more and more far away from people's field of vision, until at last there is no sign of it. As for its future, it dare not speculate. However, one thing is certain, that is, its future development depends on people's attitude towards life.

As I said earlier, this land now has no heirs. Today, it is scarred and dying, it can be said to be dying. The older generation doesn't care about it, and those who grew up naked in the rotten mud are now indifferent. What about the new generation? Looking forward to the lively life in the metropolis, they may have forgotten how many acres of land they still have. In the process of China's modernization, villages and cities are always in a life-and-death state. If you don't believe it, go through our history of modern and contemporary literature and see how the literati describe the relationship between them. However, the process of modernization is inevitable. In other words, the history of ancient and modern times only depends on the word "change". We cannot resist the change of history, but "change" is by no means aimless. It has a foundation-gradual and orderly progress, rather than "seize the day".

We may kill those who ride in a jet plane and say it pollutes the environment, and of course, we will spit on those who vainly try to conquer the world with high-tech military weapons. What mankind should be wary of is the potential threat brought to us by high technology, not the immediate vested interests. But in fact, on the contrary, people care more about the immediate vested interests, and the well-being of mankind has long been forgotten. Here, I think of the American writer E.B. A passage from White: "I am pessimistic about mankind because it is too shrewd about its own interests." The way we deal with nature is to beat it and bring it to its knees. If we had not been so paranoid and bossy, if we had adjusted our relationship with the planet and treated it gratefully, we would have had a better chance of survival. "

"We could have had a better chance of survival," Mr. White's remark echoed in my ears. Living in the present, we are enjoying the convenience brought by high technology all the time. But convenience returns to convenience, and its disadvantages also need to be weighed in our hearts. It is hard to say that we will live a happier life now than we did 20 years ago. At least I don't think so, no matter how many people stand up to refute this sentence. The history of modernization, to put it simply, is the process of confrontation between sickle and harvester; as for who loses and who wins, there will be no benefit to us. When we walked along the river where we used to play when we were young, we saw another fiasco: there were many used pesticide bottles and dead pigs floating on the river, and the river was covered with messy weeds; the river was dark green, not clear at all, and smelled. Is this the result of modernization? Is this the new countryside where we want to live? Modernization is not just to drive a car into the doorstep, its ultimate goal is to build a living environment with the unity of man and nature. But now we don't care at all, we squander it until the day we run out of water!

In order not to leave any regrets, maybe confession, I wrote down so many words. But there are some things you've lost that you'll never get back. Writing this article will not bring that land back to life. To me, that "land" has long been dead, and it only lives in my memory in the past. What can it be if it is not a tragedy for something that can only be made up in memory?

Author: condensing dust