What is the highest EQ behavior?

1. To the people who are most familiar and kind.

Still be respectful and patient.

2. The best part of fighting with someone you care about

The sentence that would make Ta fall apart is on the tip of your tongue, but you refrain from saying it.

3. when you are in the worst mood, you will still eat on time, add clothes, and still love yourself.

4. No matter how good the relationship is, you can't tell each other's shortcomings bluntly, especially in the presence of others.

5. Be able to distinguish the identity of the occasion, make no jokes, and say the right thing.

6. when the breakup is a foregone conclusion, say goodbye calmly and stop contacting each other, which is the most correct way to deal with it.

7. Be in control of the situation, leave room for the future, be tolerant of others, and restrain yourself.

8. Affirm and then correct others before refuting or correcting others; use as few unequal negative words as possible, so that they can be easily accepted.

9. make others feel comfortable when talking, know how to listen and not be self-centered.

10, understand that nothing is taken for granted, all emotional relationships will be carefully managed and maintained, friendship, love, family, should be managed.

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