Take your time, it will be faster.


A particularly obvious feature of our generation is anxiety.

Want to be a winner in life, want to be a winner in life before the age of 30, and want to be a ginseng winner in the first place when the people around you are not yet winners in life.

We no longer want to live a standard life, but want to live a high-end life.

You have to have a house, a car, a date, get married, have children, have a career, and live a decent life.

So we live in a panic every day, in fact, many things in this world, haste makes waste, slow down, but will be faster.

The rest of life is very short, time is very fast, so it is all the more necessary to be patient in the limited time, slowly live, slowly do things, slowly love, with a slow state of mind, to live this life.


Two days ago, a friend said to me: everyone around me seems to love life and know what they are doing, but I don't know what to do. Are they really doing so well?

I have a lot of friends who work in Beijing. They work hard in this promising city and live a meaningful life.

But when I am alone, I often get confused. Does it make sense to work so hard? Is it all worth it? Did I make the wrong choice?

Look at the people around you, obviously other people graduate with you, and then get the news that they have bought a house in their hometown, got married, and gone abroad.

And look at yourself, or the one who is confused, stagnant and growing savagely.

In fact, everyone's life is not as easy as they thought.


I often hear my friends around me complain.

I've been working in xx for 3 years. I'm so tired. Can't I go on at the age of 30?

I am already 30 years old, can I still learn xx?

What I want to say is that as long as you are still interested, you can do it all the time, and it's never too late.

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now.

Who says you can't pursue your dreams at the age of 30? If you really want to take life as a race, the end point should not be 30 years old.

Everyone has their own rhythm of life, some people lack stamina when they are young, and some people rise abruptly based on their accumulated strength when they are young and old. Life is long, and anything can happen.

So don't worry, one step at a time, steadfast is the fastest way.

More wonderful lies in the reading and appreciation of beautiful articles.