Hold up a green field to protect our mother

This is a wonderful planet, in the vast universe, it is not big, but shines like a sapphire; it is not eye-catching, but as crystal clear as a pearl. It is like a great and gentle mother who gives life to all things. This is the earth-our home.

She was so selfless that she gave us everything she had: she knew that fish could not live without water, so she turned her tears into pure lake water so that they could survive; she knew that flowers and plants needed soil, so she filled the earth with her body and let a piece of green sprout and grow; she knew that human beings needed air, so they filled the air with their own breath so that we could multiply. Once upon a time, we all grew up happily under her caress. she was not only our mother, but also our best friend. We loved her as much as she loved us.

However, with the passage of time, everything changed. In order to obtain immediate benefits, how many people excessively develop industry and exploit resources wantonly, resulting in a shortage of resources; factories discharge a large amount of waste gas and waste water; pollutants accumulate in the air and air quality decreases; freshwater resources are destroyed; years of drought in some countries, water shortage directly threatens our survival; people cut down trees wantonly and abuse resources Excessive felling of trees, so that the surface vegetation has been seriously damaged, a large area of land has become bare, the degree of sandstorms has gradually increased, making the earth riddled with holes.

Once upon a time, the sky was no longer blue and gray; the river was no longer as clear as it used to be, and black sewage was still flowing in the drainage pipes; the green meadows and woods were gradually replaced by more and more spacious roads, followed by cars speeding by, with bursts of black smoke coming from the tail. The destruction of tropical rain forests has a great impact on the global climate, with the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the destruction of the ozone layer; the dispersion of pollutants with the wind, which have an impact on agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry; and environmental pollution, resulting in the loss of habitat for wild animals and plants, the deterioration of the living environment, excessive hunting of wild animals by human beings, and the endangerment of many animals and plants.

I don't know if, when mankind is immersed in the joy of rapid economic development, we can hear our mother crying low, her tears are drying up, her resources will be exhausted, she is tired and her face is tired. Fish are crying in the water, flowers and plants are sighing silently, wild animals are distressed and aggrieved for our earth, but we human beings are still wanton destroying our mother and bragging about our greatness.

Earth, you are our mother, our paradise, our only habitat, when we keep asking you for resources, you always have no complaint, hold on silently, support, and give us everything you have.

But, human beings! If we are always so selfish, can only hurt her, but can not protect her, then one day, our mother will be exhausted, will not persist, then our beautiful home will cease to exist.

Always like to look up at the sky, how I hope the sky can change back to the blue of childhood, the clouds are as pure as marshmallows and the stars are as bright as before, then what kind of happiness will human beings be? If human beings can work together to build a green home, return the earth-our mother a girlish smile, how good it would be!

Author: Qiu Yu Ning Kong