Looking for a poetic life in an ordinary day

Looking for a poetic life in an ordinary day

2019 . 7.9

In the long years, we walked slowly all the way. In the ordinary day by day, many times, we will sigh how life is as insipid as water, and how life is so insipid. Daily accumulation and week, week accumulation and month, month accumulation and year, trance, except for the feeling that the age has increased by one year, look around, everything is still the same! We do not know that what is insipid is not the day itself, but the state of mind of the people who live.

This day is like brewed wine, the older it is, the better it will be, and if it goes away slowly, it will taste. In the dull days of the past, there are many things we slowly recall, there will be a feeling of nostalgia, a lot of things will also make people have a deep nostalgia. It is not how good the past is, but that many things in the past play an important role in our lives. Days need to be tasted, no matter how plain the days are, if we taste them with our heart, we will taste the taste. Like tea, only the taste can taste, even if a touch of bitterness, it can always make people aftertaste.

Along the way, we met how many people, experienced how many things, some fate, only a glance, fell into each other's eyes, engraved in the depths of the heart, can not be erased, can not be forgotten; some feelings, some love, people can not forget for a lifetime. Life, there are always some unspeakable secrets, hidden in the bosom; life, there are always some sweet things, nourish in the heart; emotion, there are always some unforgettable love, silently cherish. Can not go back to the past, although we do not have to ask one by one to verify the things we once wanted to ask, but open the title page of memory, once that innocence is still there, once that beautiful is still bound in the heart. Life is originally a book made up of sheets of white paper, which we have written attentively, which must be colorful and full of flowers. In the past, whether it is prosperous or sad, happy or sad, although it will eventually be covered by clouds and smoke in the passing years, it will be covered with thick dust, only the beauty in the engraved heart is still shining in the yellowed pages. Reading and appreciation of American articles

Now the life is still plain, but now the life is still rich and colorful, still need us to examine with a good state of mind, still need us to slowly taste the day, taste from the ordinary life, our life will be full of poetry. Poetic life is nothing else, but tasted. If there is no poetic inner world, there will be no poetic life. As long as we feel life with a good heart, a good life can go into our hearts and leave a trace in the depths of our lives.

In this world, there are many people who always like to be lively and lively. However, how many people can be vigorous for a long time? Even for those who seem to be vigorous, their days are very ordinary, and behind them is the unknown loneliness. Vigorous and vigorous is only a short existence, loneliness is forever. Lin Huiyin said that staying is a moment, turning around is the end of the world, the world of mortals is ethereal, how many people come all the way to a colorful flower event, but it is over before the story begins, leaving only a period of Qingmei's past, in the old heart city. This world is not perfect, nor is it even. The years are quiet and good, but the beautiful expectation in my heart. When we pay attention to the external world, we should pay more attention to our inner world, let the inner peace, let the inner beauty up, find the poetic artistic conception from the insipid life, and taste from the insipid life. Smile to usher in every sunrise, send off every sunset, to look back on the bleak place, there is no wind, rain and sunny state of mind to walk in the world of mortals.

From the insipid life to taste poetic, it is necessary to have a poetic heart, with a poetic heart, flowers and trees are alive, are poetic. At that time, Tao Yuanming retired to the countryside, tasting the country wine, watching the cold chrysanthemum in the wind, how chic and comfortable he lived! But do you feel his inner helplessness after his downfall? Do you know how to face up to what you have now is happy? At that time, Su Dongpo traveled to Chibi, drank the mountains and forests, wrote passionate words of light for a thousand years, respected and praised for future generations. At that time, he was shouldering the expectation of becoming a general and sealing his wife's shadow, but he was relegated one after another, with grievances, depression, pain and helplessness in his heart. Compared with it, should we know how to face up to our present and find out how happy and beautiful our present is?

It is beautiful to watch a flower bloom and smile every day; it is beautiful to drink a cup of tea, read a good book, and give a knowing smile; invite three or five friends, enjoy the outing, watch the sun rise and set, listen to the breeze sing, the same happiness and beauty Or, cook a delicious meal for the family, the whole family sit together, laugh, it is also warm and beautiful, no matter when and where, in the daily light days, you can find the beauty of life, the poetic beauty, all need a beautiful heart to discover, but also need your appreciation and enjoyment. Find the beauty of life, enjoy the beauty of life, life will not have a kind of comfort and moisture? Our hearts will not be able to harvest a quiet, indifferent and comfortable?