Miss the florescence of fate

There is always a person, lingering in the heart, there is always a moved, in time, for a long time.


Looking back on the past, there were sad, happy, indifferent, all become history, can not be forgotten, then we let it go, a lot of things, it is not necessarily bad to remember. Deliberately to forget, but can not forget, but is a kind of pain. Slowly, we will find that time will mature our minds, turn all our minds into faint Zen sounds, and be quiet in the depths of the ancient temples of the soul.

Through ups and downs, through stumbling, stepping on the road of life in the future, there will be greater wind and rain ahead, there will be greater stumbling on the road. Looking back, I found that everything that had been was so insignificant and vulnerable to a single blow, and those self-complaining in the past and the period Ai, it seems now, is so ridiculous and childish. Believe that time will precipitate our feelings, give us inspiration in our thoughts and souls, and move towards a better future.

After many years, I still remember what you looked like when you left. Oh, you turned around and buried all our beauty. You put those vows of never giving up, pushed to the precipice, and then severely thrown into the abyss, I smiled bitterly, leaving a drop of tears, no longer do any entanglement with you. In my heart, let the past become a mound, bloom into a lonely flower, watch the fleeting time alone, and the time is silent.

Once, I cherish you with the same life, but still can not leave you to leave the stubborn pace. Lover lost, I can only go to dream to find, spring flowers blooming, autumn maple red, the whole world can be found, the world is full of smiles. Slowly understand that the origin of fate, is fate, is inevitable, do not need empty melancholy. Compassionate creatures can not escape the destruction of time, a thought of flowers blooming, a thought of fallen leaves one after another, who can stop these steps? Is it something I can stop you from leaving?

The only thing is that flowers can be folded, just fold, do not wait for no flowers to break branches. Let the flowers fall with the running water, let the leaves fall with the wind, everything looks light, life will be quiet. For so many years, although you have disappeared in my palmprint, I know that in the fragrance of the flowers in the wind, you can still smell your breath, faint, no longer strong.

If there is no happy encounter, there will be no heartbreaking parting. Parting makes us strange to each other. See you again, no longer have the heartbeat of a few years ago, relieved feeling, feeling relieved. No longer entangled, the rest is only a sincere blessing, and a heart of gratitude, Thanksgiving to meet, Thanksgiving mature. Thanksgiving, we have experienced countless years of baptism, still did not wash away that once beautiful, thank you, let me stay your once.

Now, think about once, how beautiful it was. Remember? You said, I am your child, you play the piano on the mountain, I listen to the bosom friend of the running water. Unexpectedly, the error of time, let us pass by each other. Left, only this is left, this distant yearning across the landscape, even if such a yearning, I also humbly do not want you to see, because the missed fate, is the pain that can not go back, is irrevocable fate, such as this, let me silently bear this lonely yearning, let it Heng Heng Mo.

Yesterday, I saw a sentence: walking together is fate, walking together is happiness. What a warm word, how many people, agreed not to give up, walk together, as a result, walking, walked to the end of fate. How long is the road of fate? none of us know that happiness is always what people yearn for. Fate is often lost after we are looking for, because of fate and meet, because of encounter and know each other, deep acquaintance, and some even fall in love. The word happiness seems simple, but it is very difficult to do, so I never complain about your leaving, because I know that everything has a causal relationship, there is a result of leaving, there must be a reason that can not be together, fate comes and goes, or, it is the lack of a word, right?

I wonder if you will feel the same way with me when you see this sentence.

At the moment, quietly looking up, looking up at the blue sky, I know that my heart still has your footprints, although it has been from deep to shallow, began to blur. However, when I see the scenery is still the same, birds whispering standing on the branches of the moment, miss, and inexplicably shuttle in the early summer morning. Concerned heart, with the footsteps of the wind, flying to you step by step. All the worries began to bloom, bright and affectionate in the early morning. The heart has also had a little bitterness, after all, it is so painstaking to pay, but, you and I have not cherished, will miss each other. How much to worry about, how much dimming, looking back on the warmth of yesterday, as well as the broken edge. Pick up those messy and broken pieces of memory, no matter how persistent and serious I am, I can no longer piece together the perfection I once had. In fact, your heart has always been left in my place, right?

I believe that in everyone's heart, there is a love flower, but sooner or later, when she is in full bloom, she is very quiet and does not disturb the time. If you find it, you will smell the charming scent of flowers and wantonly float into your soul. If you meet, don't miss it. You should know that the love flower in your heart must be found and cared for with your true heart, because it will be the warmth of your life. We need to understand that no matter how many bouquets of flowers bloom in our hearts, no matter how beautiful they are, there is only one one that belongs to you. And she happens to be on the road of your life, when you meet her and pity her, maybe you and I are not destined to be each other's love flowers, so we are doomed to a sweet miss.

Author: Xiang Chu Yanli