Shallow summer, shallow encounter

Gardenia, is in full bloom, a cluster, a cluster, light white, lush green, beautiful throughout the shallow summer. Just like you, I, among thousands of people, just need to know, just worry about, just a glance, is the most beautiful encounter in the world of mortals, from then on, fall in love forever.

-- inscription

Do you know? In different cities, at the same time, meeting seems too beautiful, beautiful only willing to close your eyes to carry you, do not want to touch, but afraid of a careless, will tarnish its purity. If I can, I would like to close my heart in this beautiful day, with a ray of white moonlight, take a breeze into a dream, and lower my eyebrows in this earthly fireworks.

The years are like the wind, blowing the dream of prosperous fleeting years like flowers, but your appearance has become the most beautiful scene in my life. Listen to the wind, watch the moon, enjoy the flowers, taste the verdant twists and turns of the season, in the world of mortals, be careful, be careful, be afraid of startling the wind, afraid of disturbing the rain, live up to this beautiful encounter.

Time is like a poem, pick up the pen to write warm, write down to read. Wrap your thoughts around your fingertips, gently drop ink, and write lightly. Use a thin pen to read the loneliness and loneliness in the depths of the soul, taste the light sorrow between the eyebrows, and the fireworks in the world, so that the lightness of time and the weight of life know each other, cherish and keep each other in the shallow fleeting years; miss each other, shallow joy, deep love in the world of mortals.

Life, ebb and flow, because of the warmth of meeting, busy days can also be covered with flower fragrance and joy. A fate, meet in the sea of people; a heart, beautiful in the years; commitment, engraved as a poem to meet; accompany, smeared like water time; keep a heart agreement, will fleeting in the hustle and bustle into Qingxi, beautiful in tranquility into poetry.

There are days of love, warm company, days with you, time is shallow, put each other gently into the bottom of your heart, love each other silently, silence and joy. In the depths of time, I always want to hide my memories with you, and I always want to cherish the encounter with you. Miss tossing and turning in the eyes, packaged with happiness, sent to you, from the eyebrow, heart, is a shallow smile Yan.

Like, in the fleeting years of May, with rough words, write the words of love. A skim and a press, written into a bright, horizontal and vertical, woven dream clothes. Sit opposite the lintel of ink fragrance with you, listen to the beauty of birds and flowers, watch fish water play, listen to the whispering of romantic flowers, watch the smoke in the evening, smell the fragrance of flowers, listen to the wind and enjoy the rain, and fall in love with each other for a lifetime, this is the most beautiful pleasure in the world.

Beautiful to the extreme, and finally speechless, the heart of that touch of feelings, only the heart knows. The wind in shallow summer is warm and soft, like yearning, spreading like a tide. Gently open the window of the season, spread all the nostalgia all the way fragrant, waiting in the corner of the season, you will watch. Read a person, scattered the shallow years, graceful as the shuttle time, if you know, please gently collect.

As Xue Xiao Zen said: "among thousands of people, meet the people you meet, in thousands of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, neither earlier nor a bit too late, just happen to meet is the most beautiful fate in life." Just like you, I, among thousands of people, just need to know, just worry about, just one glance, is the most beautiful encounter in the world of mortals, from then on, fall in love forever, in this shallow summer, shallow acquaintance, shallow encounter.

Author: Lily Heart language