Transparent sorrow Xi Murong

Standing on the suspension bridge between the valleys, standing in the light of the full moon, we called you to come and see the moon hanging high in the sky, but you refused with a smile.

Reclining at the other end of the drawbridge, in the darkness of the mountain wall, you say:

I can see you from here, because you contain moonlight.

The mountain wind blew, the water moaned and gasped at the turning, and H, who was beside him, cried softly for such a beautiful word. Moonlight such as water also such as wine, clear and blurred, why at the moment my heart is dull pain?

Was it because he felt that he was hiding something in the transparent moonlight?

Is it because I feel my own lack and regret in such a perfect round of Qinghui?

It was as if there was a fear that followed him.

When I was young, the shadow in my heart came from the ignorance of the road ahead. What would I meet? What will I become? There are no signs or signs. But on this night, the shadow that cannot escape comes from the complete knowledge of the road ahead, and the feast must be scattered! The prime never comes back, we never have the best time in our lives. Forgive me, my dear friend, for the sadness and sadness that still clings to me even in the place of clear light.

Yes, in such a beautiful night, life can contain moonlight, but it has to contain a transparent layer of sadness at the same time.