The greatest evil of human nature is not knowing how to be grateful.

In order to survive, grandma Liu went to Jia mansion for help. Wang Xifeng treated grandma Liu as a servant and sent 20 taels of silver at will.

In the end, the Jia family was plagiarized, and their people were either jailed or sold as objects.

Outsiders looked at the Jia mansion like the god of plague, and only Grandma Liu sat in the field crying bitterly and heartbroken when she heard the news that Jia's house had been copied and Jia's mother had died.

Rushed to the city to visit Wang Xifeng in prison all night, and saw that Wang Xifeng was as thin as firewood and cried bitterly. Wang Xifeng was moved with tears in her eyes and let Grandma Liu find her daughter Qiao Sister before she died.

Grandma Liu was not afraid of all difficulties and dangers when she went back, she went door to door and inquired about the whereabouts of Qiao Jie, when she knew that Qiao Jie had been sold into the land of fireworks.

Originally poor Grandma Liu was duty-bound to sell all her possessions and spent a lot of money to save Sister Qiao from the green house in order to repay Wang Xifeng's former kindness of 20 taels of silver.

When Qiao Sister met Grandma Liu, I burst into tears. What a granny Liu who attaches great importance to affection and righteousness.

This is Granny Liu described by Cao Gong, an old woman who is simple, real, kind and rewarded by dripping water. Although she is not noble in birth, she is noble in character. She represents the virtues of kindness and simplicity in traditional Chinese culture.

There is a great shortage of people like Granny Liu who are so grateful in our society.

It is common to be ungrateful. I once heard Ma Weidu comment that Zhu Zhiwen donated money to build roads in the village.

When Zhu Zhiwen built the road, the local villagers relentlessly asked Zhu Zhiwen to buy a car for everyone in the village, and then gave each person 10,000 yuan, as if Zhu Zhiwen was spending his family's money.

An ungrateful person only knows endless demands, insatiable greed, and never knows the return. No matter how much you give, he still feels that you still owe him.

You have done 99 things to help him, but one has not been done well. Don't worry, you have definitely become his enemy, because he takes your efforts for granted.

This is the origin of the old saying Shengmien, fighting rice feud, this kind of human nature is too common.

A few days ago, I saw a hot question on Zhihu: were you born in a fourth-tier city, and your parents can't help you in your career? are you still grateful?

And then there was a lot of abuse.

There is a very relieving answer: what else do you want to do if you feed you from such a small tadpole to as big as a pig?

If your career doesn't help, you won't be grateful. What's the difference between this and the white-eyed wolf?

Shakespeare once said: the ingratitude of your children is like sending food into his mouth with one hand, and he bites your hand off with one mouth.

Do you think it's scary?

From Wang Chia-Jing, an overseas student who killed her mother at the airport, to setting fire to a babysitter of four in a family of four, to the Jiang GE case in which she protected her best friend but died abroad, which one didn't slaughter his benefactor who was as gracious as the sea?

In response to such an incident in which human nature is devoid of kindness and bites the hand that feeds it, public opinion rises up and nails such a despicable person on the shelf of humiliation, which shows that he hates such a person.

Please stay away from a person who does not know how to be grateful, your warm blood is not warm a heart that lacks human feelings.

To help a person who doesn't know how to be grateful, I can only use a Xiehouyu to describe meat buns that never come back.

A person who doesn't know how to be grateful is not worth your help, because a person who doesn't know how to be grateful is destined to have no future. A benefactor who has helped himself is not grateful, nor can he be expected to help others and give back to society.

Many people who do good deeds never expect others to return when they help others, but just because others don't expect it doesn't mean you don't have to be grateful for it.

Others do not expect to return, that is the great virtue of others, but you do not return, but also bite the hand that feeds you, that is your immorality.

In life, you can not be excellent, you can not be excellent, but you can not make up for the failure of your career without conscience, personality and conscience.

But success in career can never make up for the evil in conscience.