March and follow, the light lift of thoughts

Look at March, overcast and sunny, a casual heart seems to follow the ups and downs of the season, over and over again. The sky in front of the window, the books beside the pillow, the sunshine in the sunny day, the people coming and going in the street. Trapped in a small world, so that the mind slightly flutters, the wind of yesterday


Always like Wang Junxiong's wind, please send a message, just because there is wind in that light music, that free spirit. Silent days, time is like running water in a hurry, in a twinkling of an eye the wind has come several times, the flowers in front of the building have bloomed a few degrees. Roaming the world, there are quiet and noisy, crying and laughing. The bright and beautiful flower season, the rainy season is over, moved no longer, but the warmth has become a kind of quiet and tranquil. Quiet days, do not go out with others, but quietly hide in their own corner, do an unknown flower, do an ordinary leaf, time is so light.

I don't want to say much about yesterday's story, but today's is still going on, and tomorrow's is unknown. So wandering ah, wandering, the days just floated by. So fast, that unspeakable emotion and mood, but still use words to outline again and again, very slow, the slight cold of these years, every second is so long, long people do not know what to say. Always walking, sometimes in a trance for a few days, sometimes waking up.

When I saw a good friend I hadn't seen for a long time that day, I thought I would be very kind, but I kept in touch by phone in the early years. Who knows the meeting is so light, turn around and leave quietly without trace, the heart is also very insipid. I have a feeling that I have failed to live up to the words of those years. Forget each other in the rivers and lakes, not only help each other. The days to come are as old as ever, and no one stays too much for each other. The heart is still the same, the word is still the same, the dream is as always, the mood is still the same. You are still you, I am still me, we are all who we are and have nothing to do with the world of mortals. In fact, sometimes some things are like this, not a few paragraphs, can be said clearly in a moment of mood.

Suddenly feel that the writing is more and more like running water, the busyness of life, the repetition of mood. Some days, the mood is poor can not come up with a few words, the mood is very uncomfortable. Has been relying on words to express their depression, or comfortable words, all of a sudden even this kind of ordinary also do not have, how can I feel at ease? The sky is gray, the clouds are also gray, what is the mood to enjoy life, enjoy every day of life? Fortunately, the cloudy days will not last long. Today, the sunshine that I have not seen for a long time falls on me again, and all the silence has disappeared in an instant. For me, I always like to place my mood beside me, the tree in front of the building, the sky above my head, the bright moon in front of the window, the midnight breeze. I don't know that liking words means falling in love with a kind of inexplicable loneliness. I only know that walking in words will be a kind of inexplicable enjoyment.

In my world, there is a cloud of poetry, a sea of words, a song of understanding, and a ray of sunshine in comfort. I don't have to do anything, just watch and watch. The vast world, the soul home, and peace and happiness, free life. Suddenly longing for summer, want to see the sea, suddenly want to do a lot of things. In the most beautiful time, do what you want to do, go to the place you most want to go, and the person you love most. Sometimes think about it, life is still so full of beautiful fantasies.

In this quiet afternoon, the sun fell through the glass window on the balcony and suddenly felt a kind of drowsy confusion. Maybe sometimes think too much, some people say that life is short, there is no need to think about some things, just think about the present, just think about tomorrow. All right, let me stop for a moment and have a look. Sometimes I feel too hasty to go, too busy to say goodbye to some things and feelings reluctantly. I am afraid of losing myself and losing something.

Flipping through the books beside the bed, no matter how quiet the years are, or if you are all right, every word and every sentence makes people feel safe. Perhaps the quiet days are so plain and light, plain and clean as a flower in the corner, bright as the sunshine outside the window, so there is no need to have this or that kind of thoughts.

Thoughts, wandering for March, the sky outside the window is blue, the wind outside the house is light.

Author: Childe Yunyan