Love, beauty lies in the details

The grass is dormant, please do not disturb.

When the spring breeze comes, we should wake it up to put on green clothes and rush to spring with the florets.

Every spring, I would see the grass coming out slowly on the doorstep, and I had to watch it carefully every time I passed by. The melted snow melted into the cement cracks of the steps, the spring breeze brought a layer of fine sand, slowly poured into the cracks like a stream, and the spring rain poured into the same cracks with rich taste, and the cracks slowly flattened.

The passage of the day.

The gap is protruding, showing several tiny and fine lines, with a little bulge in the center of the grain, which is still flat without looking carefully. Within a few days, the small bulge was broken, just like a bird, and the pungent yellow colors showed lines, neat and fresh, showing extra freshness and vitality against the earth color. Only by recording carefully with a camera could we feel the slow growth of the spores of the grass. That exquisite and ingenious growth would bring me an inexplicable sense of beauty every spring. A kind of love transmission, for its growth, I am really powerless, can only pass by silently.

Spring drought is an inevitable process, in this process, the spores of grass will show a strange dark green, slightly withered color, slowly distressed unspeakable feeling, do not have the heart to pour a little bit of water for it, this is a natural growth, is the beginning of a state of life and natural charm, I still can not help my mood, dripping a few drops of mineral water, it is so fresh In the cracks in the steps, the leaves are ravaged by passers-by, trampled and harassed by passers-by at will, but do not change their own color, so quietly grow, only the heart of the grass sandwiched in the gap is still intact, still green, grass heart green and delicious health.

It is not afraid of anything, only waiting for the autumn wind to hasten its life and bear seeds.

They have completed its mission, did not leave its seeds in the cracks in the steps, its body is not as complete as the grass in the corner, but painstakingly retained a complete grass root and the heart of the grass, it is not low, nor decadent, still green in the end, green in the autumn sun, do not care about their own bruises, do not care about the ravages of passers-by and the eyes of the bystanders. I am not afraid.

Crisp autumn, full of goose yellow, cloudless birdsong like a gentle certain song, repeatedly in the sky, that is the song of seeing-off, or a beautiful party, is announcing the end, the woods have taken off their clothes, the hillside has retreated from the military uniform, the mountains and rivers are transparent and vast, the fields are busy with autumn, the fields are full of joy, who will remember the time of the grass, who will remember the appearance of the grass? Put it down faintly.

Gradually withered and yellow, I watched it withered and yellow, buried in the fallen leaves, buried in the depths of snowflakes, waiting for the next spring breeze to comb.

Author: listen to Yue Xiaoxuan