Taste of Life

Life is like a glass of water, simple, from calm, pure and quiet. It seems normal, but it nourishes your life all the time.

Life is like a cup of coffee, both bitter, but also a wisp of unspeakable aftertaste. Use it to relieve loneliness when needed, and drink it to lose sleep. Insomnia will once turn over the sun, drink coffee midnight, the heart of a special sour taste

Life is like a cup of tea, hot tea cool, blazing plain is a real taste.

The first cup of tea, like life began to pursue strong, because the temperature is too high, to slowly taste its fragrance.

The second cup of tea, moderate intensity, just like taste their own middle-aged, no longer pursue gorgeous and fragrant, understand the taste of indifference, like opening the layer of life seems to have no hazy. American Reading Appreciation

The third cup of tea, just like life to the old age, know how to manage, know to put down, know the light of the wind and clouds to release, one heart easy to walk, one heart compassion to the world, the state of mind back to the innocent child

Life is like writing calligraphy, one horizontal and one vertical are straight and kind walking, one stroke and one depression are spiritual cultivation. If a piece of paper is written too full, it will feel redundant. If you know how to leave blank, life will have freedom to relax and breathe, and it will increase the aesthetic feeling of artistic conception and lasting appeal.

Life is like playing music. The fingers play music, but the heart listens. Black and white keys, ups and downs fall, just like life's bitter and happy mixed, ups and downs.

Life is like writing, the first stroke is the hardest. Sometimes after the need to bitter Yin pen, regret and dissatisfaction, always want to have a chance to rewrite. However, life did not start again, from the moment of birth it was doomed not to turn back and modify. Only carefully and carefully written every word, every paragraph, the whole article will be wonderful.

Life is too short, like a book opened and closed. After a good person, let us know why life started and why it came.

The most beautiful time in life is when you experience it and retain it with memory. It seems to be lost, but it has always been owned. The unforgettable feeling has become a permanent look back and memory.