So this is the law of broken window (amazing! )


I believe that in life, you must have the same experience.

Before you go to bed at night, you pick up your phone and say to yourself, just play for a few minutes, and it turns out to be a few hours.

At the banquet, your friends advised you to drink, but you really couldn't refuse, saying that you only had one drink, and as a result, you had the second and third cups, and finally you almost went home drunk.

When you went shopping with your friends, you planned to buy nothing. As a result, the clerk recommended an eyebrow pencil to you. In the end, you almost bought a whole set of cosmetics to go home.

A lot of things, like this, once you have the first breakthrough, the result will get out of hand.

I once heard a story.

It's about a child who stole a needle for the first time when he was a child. His mother thought it was just a needle, so she didn't blame him, so he stole again and again.

Later, when he grew up to steal gold, he was sent to prison and sentenced to death.

He cried to his mother on the execution ground: if you had punished me severely when I stole the needle for the first time, I would not have died today.

As the saying goes, a dike of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant nest. If the initial small temptation, compromise and glitch do not attract our attention, it will eventually become the chief culprit that defeats us.

As Milan Kundera said: the first betrayal, irreparably leads to more betrayal, like a chain reaction that keeps us farther and farther away from the original betrayal.

People, once they allow themselves to have the first time, there will be countless times in the future.


In life, many of us are talking about persistence, but very few people really persist.

Why is that?

The writer Haruki Murakami started running in the fall of 1982 and has been running for decades. How did he do it?

People who have persisted in running will encounter this situation: today is too busy to run; today is too tired, run again tomorrow, today is in a bad mood, do not want to run

When you find an excuse for the first time, let yourself give up persistence, in the end, you will often give up persistence itself.

But Haruki Murakami is different, he said: because I don't want to run, so I want to run.

He has persisted to this day because he has never been lazy.

It is really difficult to persist in doing one thing and stick to it to the end, because there are always times when we don't want to do it, and we always find reasons for ourselves to be in a relaxed and comfortable state.

However, even if it is difficult to stick to one thing, don't let yourself give up the first time, because if you give up once, the second time will be easier.


Philip Simbadu, a psychologist at Stanford University in the United States, conducted an experiment in 1969.

He found two identical cars and parked one in a middle-class neighborhood in Palo Alto, Calif., and the other in the relatively cluttered Bronx.

The one parked in the Bronx, he took off the license plate, opened the roof, and was stolen that day.

The one in Palo Alto was ignored for a week. Later, Simbadu knocked a big hole in the glass of the car with a hammer.

As a result, only a few hours later, it was gone.

Based on this experiment, political scientist Wilson and criminologist Karin put forward a theory of broken window effect:

If the window of a house is broken, no one will repair it, and soon the other windows will be broken inexplicably.

If there is some graffiti on a wall that has not been washed off, the wall will soon be covered with messy and ugly things.

In a very clean place, people will be very embarrassed to throw rubbish, but once there is rubbish on the ground, people will not hesitate to litter everywhere, without feeling ashamed.

This is the expression of broken window theory.

Good things people will try to protect it, and good things once there is a bad mark, people will consciously let it become worse.


Making a good thing bad is often caused by a seemingly small act.

It's like being late for the first time, not being punished, and then getting into the habit of being late, lowering your requirements for the first time, and finally becoming undemanding of yourself.

So don't give yourself the first chance to indulge yourself, don't break your first window.